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based and olivepilled edition

Attached: depositphotos_69502973-stock-photo-young-woman-eating-green-olives.jpg (1024x768, 67.37K)

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Get vaccinated now

Attached: 1658788672169.jpg (636x1377, 139.27K)

Posted first

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Just chuffed up my dinner

jump in front of a train

simp edition

fuck archie and his stupid parents

Doing a little jig.

Attached: English Elizabethan clown Will Kempe dancing a jig from London to Norwich in 1600.jpg (1280x942, 301.35K)


34% of qualified professional egyptologists now believe there was extra-terrestrial involvement in the construction of the pyramids

used to be a completely fringe conspiracy theory, but the staggering evidence uncovered in just the last 5 years has caused the previous statistic. before this, it was universally dismissed. now over a third of professionals argue for it

i lost my virginity when i was 15 and i still ended up here

don't understand people who think sex'll solve their problems


mental how poo wank

>staggering evidence
like what exactly


He has a disability, it's different.
That's very sad. Sorry lad.

wow I wonder how he caught it

Attached: Monkeypox.png (592x760, 278.12K)

as if i take "profeshenuls" seriously in 2022

all normal british penises have hair right up to the bell

dead grandma keeps messaging me on faceberg

Some cunt leaked white paint on the road and it got on the plastics of my motorbike. Any detailing man know if I can get it off?

didn't get my first gf until I was 26, no need to worry lads, unless you are literally a kissless virgin you should at least get the odd shag in if you can't get a relationship

blocks in the giza pyramids show plasma scoring at the joins which is obviously literally impossible for a bronze age civilisation

And do you have a girlfriend? Friends? A social life?
Try having none of that and being 26 on top of being a virgin. If it was purely about sex I'd pay a prostitute and nah, not doing it.


Attached: mark dance hyper.webm (374x460, 344.2K)

just want a bird thats all

Paint stripper you fucking spacker

i'm 34 and i've never even been on a date

Teacher's pet

Would have gigantic implications for all of human history, religion and culture if that's true. But also it makes you wonder why they left.

Attached: empoweredbyvee__-652700444.jpg (1080x1080, 155.39K)

sounds like absolute bullshit

pineal gland just exploded

strange how europeans have this goofy religious zeal about edUCaTeD pRoFeShUnElS and assume they are always right no matter what


34% of qualified professional bowl specialist now believe there was extra-terrestrial involvement in the construction of the pooramids

used to be a completely fringe conspiracy theory, but the staggering evidence uncovered in just the last 5 years has caused the previous statistic. before this, it was universally dismissed. now over a third of professionals argue for it

council coming in to give me a new kitchen tomorrow, will take 4 days, i am bloody fuming...

actually am in love with her

Corr that's nice that is

Attached: mynstrel.png (365x365, 385.73K)

Me? I'm a London Scammer

would a 6'4 guy even be able to live in Japan?