How did STRANGE NEW WORLDS manage to brutally MOG the other Nu Trek shows?

How the fuck did they do it?

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I think they have watched RLM and want to make everything better now for the fans.

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>cast is all women and negroes
not falling for it

why do people keep saying it's good? because they made it episodic? it's still terribly written, with plot and canon contrivances, characters that are written incorrectly with bad dialogue, and layered with partisan political agenda.

>Rated TV-MA


Main character looks like the president from Mormon Boyz and therefore it's hot

episodic storytelling
simple as


Serialization is fine, DS9 pulled it off. Nu-Trek writers are shit and every attempt at a serialized season involves saving the galaxy and lazy contrivances to signal boost their Mary Sue MC's, so it's bound to be shit.
At least with going episodic, when they fuck up there is a chance it'll be isolated to that one episode and it wont contaminate the entire season.

happy have filtered nutrek from my life.

I'll have to take your word for it OP because I quit after the first season of Picard and decided Star Trek ended in 2005 with Enterprise. Between STD and Picard I felt like I'd watched Star Trek get raped harder than Monica Bellucci in Irreversible and there's just no going back after that.

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>with Enterprise
I hate zoomers.

DS9 only succeeded in being a B5 ripoff, it wasn't Star Trek. If anything, it's to blame for the Nu-Trek trajectory.

Fuck off retard I'm old enough to remember a time when Star Trek was just TOS and a few movies.

DS9 is great but I was going to say, if you want more good sci-fi watch Babylon 5 on Prime, its actually really good and comfy.

No, middle aged boomer here, and he's right. Enterprise has it's faults, but it's still ST, the last we got before the dark times.

delusional cope

My boss is a huge star trek fan, can tell you detailed information about any TNG or Voyager episode you care to mention. But he loves Discovery and Picard, he tells me to watch Picard and how 'awesome' it is. I watched up to episode 4 and just couldn't do it anymore then the RLM reviews confirmed my hate for it.

Your boss has Stockholm syndrome

God damn. How old are you, like 80? Go to bed, pop pop

t. no faith of the heart