Fuck. This. Pretentious. Piece. Of. Shit. Film

Fuck. This. Pretentious. Piece. Of. Shit. Film.

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Way better than the Shining. Those are the only two Kubrick films I've ever seen.

i agree, but pseuds will flood this thread insisting its kino without ever having watched kubrick's actually good works like Paths of Glory

It's kino. I've never seen Paths of Glory

How is it pretentious? I personally found it raw, straight-forward, and almost painfully earnest.


Ok, but have you seen how the end synchs up with "Echoes"?



filtered, a normal defensive reaction
take a couple years, digest it, come back and try again

Tell me how it's pretentious or you're baiting

It's a 30 minute film student plot strung out for two and a half hours. Kubrick thought the special effects would be enough to make up for it.

That doesn’t make it pretentious.

Ok zoomer

This film angers retards in a way I never expected.

based and blessed post

Sequel is better

It is when I'm forced to watch a donut spaceship spin to the Walts for 10 minutes. There is no substance to this film. Just long boring """"meaningful"""" shots.

It's best if you watch it on LSD

its baby's first into esoteric film analysis, let it be.

How old are you and what's your favorite movie

There is substance, it’s about stages of human development.

He doesnt get it. lol. stick to marvel.

Attached: this guy.gif (497x302, 3.01M)

>the Walts

This. I fucking hated it at first. It's now my second favorite film. Maybe first actually.

There's a lot more to that scene than a donut spinning.

It's a mirror to them showing their intelligence is not exceptional. Why shouldn't that anger them? No one in real life will tell them they're not very smart, but this film will.

Watch it again at some point. The substance is there and you will see it one day.

it was just kubrick profiting over drug addled hippies, it's not his best film

>We are the aliens
Thanks Kubrick