What is The Shining really about?

What is The Shining really about?

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The book's about alcoholism, the movie's about ghosts

about how Epstein didnt kill himself, also checked

Domestic abuse and alcoholism, specifically how there are always warning signs people ignore.

For me, it's about King's subconscious fear of NIGGERS influencing the american youth.


A bad director making a terrible movie.


paranormal manifestation of human evil

>domestic abuse
>Jack recalls the night where his father savagely beat his mother in front of him and his siblings
>thinks about it again later on when he's become more mentally unstable
>begins to sympathize with his father in that moment

that was fucked up

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Shit movie, music so loud, distracting and unfitting. Acting overwrought. Characters watered down compared to the book, which wasn't even that great to begin with. Far and away Kubrick's worst.

Jack was molesting Danny.

This is the correct answer. The bear is a metaphor for child molestation.

A nigger?

its about a lot of stuff

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I am telling you guys, Kubrick knew of Pedowood. He showed it in Eyes wide shut. He was killed because of it. Open your eyes already. LA is one of the most evil places there are

Where can I find more schizoposting like this?

look upi stuff on youtube. rob ager has a few good vids

bad bot


it's not surprising he made Eyes Wide Shut later
he definitely knew something he wanted to alert the public about