It hasn't been said enough just how fucking horrible the last season of this show was

It hasn't been said enough just how fucking horrible the last season of this show was.

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I think the premise of the series actually had a lot of potential, but the execution was painfully bad (especially as the show progressed). I think there should have been less cartel involvement and more of an emphasis on the old money families in St. Louis that are into weird occult rituals. Like, the cartel could have been the impetus for the initial move to the Ozarks, but the real meat of the series should have focused on the shady political stuff that happens behind the scenes. Also, the mafia involvement could have been so much better. That definitely felt like a lost opportunity.

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I thought it was okay, just sort of meandering and unsatisfying. I don't think the story season 4 told deserved the amount of time it got. But a lot of season 4's problems were a byproduct of season 3's worst ideas. I enjoyed all four seasons, but I think the first season was its best.

i dropped this after s1 did it ever get good?

You made the right choice

no as soon they take down the bigbad of first season it goes into the drain

I couldn't even get past the first ten minutes, right at the opening monologue they were shilling some bfwm interracial couple and I turned it off immediately. Such contrived globohomo bs

>Breaking bad
>Game of thrones

Some of the more recent great shows have ended the shittiest

If it had ended with Ozymandias, BB would've been perfect. Also Ozark was never even approaching great lol

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The last half of S4 was okay, but s3 and the beginning of 4 were shit
I actually liked the ending. Im not sure anything else besides a tactical nuke of the main family would've been better

S4 really had nothing going for it other than having to be the conclusion. Marty and Wendy choose to remain in the life, which everyone with a brain knew was happening, and the show ends with a hamfisted "We're rich, elite and white we always get away with it." message.

it was so shitty it's already been completely forgotten. a dry fart of a finale

>Breaking Bad
>ended like ten years ago

>grouping Game of Thrones and Ozark with Breaking Bad


GoT 1-4 was nearly BB tier. I'll agree that it's disgraceful to put Ozark anywhere near those two, though

the brother and the lawyer were both annoying and unnecessary, the private investigator too and wendys dad. so many random characters thrown in to stretch the plot, ending wasnt bad eould have been corny if they threw in a big twist or whatever

the entire show was bad what did you expect

I stopped watching after they killed Ruth fucking gay ass shit

it wasn't horrible, it just wasn't remarkable. It was more of the same.
>marty finds a way out
>some idiot fucks it up
>makes the situation worse
>marty has to fix the problem and dig the hole deeper
>someone dies
>rinse repeat

the show gave itself multiple chances to do something special and almost every time it went "nope, lets subvert your expectations and make every hunky dory until the next fuck up"