Did they really kill a child for this scene?

Did they really kill a child for this scene?

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Why wasn’t the child turned to fucking paste lol

lol lmao

That mortician deserved a fucking raise.


yes, but only one, it was a pro set

Who names a child Gage?

Maybe they're a big fan of Governor Thomas Gage.

wouldn't be worth a damn if they didn't

I don't see the problem.

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Its fine, its just postpartum abortion.

Did they really hire a necromancer to resurrect a dead WW2 vet for this scene?

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Gage is a manly name

Gage Creed
Gage Stone
Gage Smith
Gage McDonald

et cetera

Because you can find Gages in a truck.

her body, her choice

>the wheels on the truck go round and round

Imagine if that kid was Warwick Davis

Zelda is scarier than Gage

>Gage Creed
>You say you're a man of God...but how would you GAGE your CREED if your son was killed..?
Bravo, King

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If your last name is Grosskreutz

"Just one child died on set? lol, git gud losers!"