
Thirdies, have you been to dangerous and poor areas of you city/region?

If so were you afraid of getting mugged/stabbed?

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yes, detriot

yeah my whole life but safer than america tho

this is not a slum its the dumpyard of a lower middle class area. this is a slum

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fuck no i'm not going to london

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yes, my entire city is a poor shithole

>you afraid of getting mugged/stabbed?
mugged, if you don't fight back they don't stab you.


sometimes to do charitywork. never alone so no

low test pussy ass cracker
I live in detroit and this place is 100x better than the coomskin areas

Why did you go to Detroit and did you have any bad encounters?
Did you have any bad encounters? What is the most dangerous area in your city?
Thank you for enlightening me sir
What did they took?
Why help d*lits and m*slims?

Attached: Detroit.jpg (2400x1600, 2.39M)

hey too many questions mustard flag
my record is 35W - 7L

reminder that when you see a thirdie flag in /int, you speak to the minority upper class thirdies who have maids and internet and stuff like that. The majority of thirdies dont even speak english.

fake news

yeah? why else would OP make the post if we were the slum dwellers ourselves?

I lived in a so called "no-go zone" for years and nothing happened to me

Thats why im asking, they still encounter poorfags from time to time.

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Yes, monte Sinai slums my brother lives there. I'm poor btw
Yes, I went there with out phone nor wallet just a few cents
fake, internet is not expensive even druggies have a phone (stolen tho) aldo there are free internet from public institutions

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poorfags are encountered daily, but they commute to come work for us. there places are usually hidden at the outskirts

Im a biracial medical sales rep and I was sent to cover a couple Appalachian states, mostly just going to large regional hospitals. You have no idea how poor these people are, it’s like being in a third world country.

So I went to Tennessee for a sales trip and meet this very cute strawberry hair Tennessee southern belle in Sullivan County at an ice cream shop. Skinny home town girl with tits and ass that made you look three times when she walked by. I talk her up and work my magic on her, take her out for dinner at an expensive place, tell her my job and all the places I’ve been. I bring her back to my hotel room she lets me have my way with her. I fuck and cum inside her without any protection, and to top it off she was a virgin about to go off to University of Tennessee in Knoxville so it was one hell of an experience let me tell you.

I stay for two weeks in Kingsport because it’s a beautiful town and I was ahead of schedule for the rest of my trip appointments through Tennessee and North Carolina. Met the girl in a field and a barn for more passion, it was like a fucking romance novel or something.

Well the girl missed her period after the first week and a half and got a pregnancy test, turns out I knocked this girl up.

Im on my way to her farmhouse to tell her I’m gonna provide for her and be there for her and she don’t need to worry. All of a sudden a dozen trucks pull up behind me following my car. I see guns hanging out the window.

I had to blast 95mph down the highway for what seemed like an entire county INCLUDING the sheriffs chasing me out.

I didn’t stop until I got to Knoxville scariest moment of my life

Are you planning to stay in your country or you gonna try to move to a firstie country?

How do you feel about talking to lower-class firsties on Any Forums, the kind of people you would look down in your own country?

I live in a nice neighbourhood of the city and avoid dangerous areas at all costs. I haven't been mugged since 2012, and I didn't even have anything of value with me they could take lol

even homeless firsties are richer than most of the people here in (((nominal))) terms. we (most indian posters) arent rich nobs we are just middle class but just that puts us in top 10%

bro internet is easier to afford than food
and every slum dweller n word has a smartphone anyway cause they steal them on a daily basis
regarding the english bit, any middle class retard with "alt" interests (internet culture, vidya, etc) knows english