Why are men afraid of women on tv?

Why are men afraid of women on tv?

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Might have something to do with this actually being the case in every industry which builds this world.
Even 3 guys 1 woman is still drastically overrepresenting woman here.

any mixed gender friend group i saw irl, the males out numbered the females.

And yet my harem script got rejected.

>they did a study

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Oh wow, there were studies that said these things. Studies! Which ones? How was the data collected? What was the sample size? What was the age range?

Fuck you I'm right because there were STUDIES(That I will not link to it's not my job to educate you it's just my job to tell you how to feel)

Women are fucking boring and I don't want to watch movies that pretend their problems matter.

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This actually made a lot of sense and women do need to shut the fuck up.

Women want to tag along with men, men don’t want to tag along with women unless they’re gay or trans. Men are fun and playful, women are the stuffy white people of gender and they’ll take that as an insult just like a white person would.

If it's good enough for Seinfeld, it's good enough for me


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Women talk about the most boring shit. Who gives a fuck about their cat or their hair or what they read in cosmo or drinking wine in Paris or the slideshow they put together at work at their 9-5.

Try and write a movie about a real life situation with a 1:1 m/f ratio. You're either going to have to gender bend the fuck out of everybody or restrict yourself down to handful of settings.

They did a study where these women didn't suck my dick enough.

Not afraid just don't like em

just put all women in every movie so Hollywood will fucking die already

I'm willing to believe a lot of it is just surface level. Christ, could you imagine if a man was as skinny, short, and high voiced as a woman? You'd be annoyed at everything his weak ass said, even if it wasn't that bad.
It's just that this is natural. We're not meant to be equals. We can't undo millions of years of selectiveness that pushes dominance for one sex and undo it in 50 years. We need to go back to traditional gender roles.

because the sexes self-segregate when they aren't pursuing or aren't in asexual relationships.

Women have virtually the same takes on everything men are interested in. The things women are interested in where they have differing opinions are shit men have absolutely no interest in.

Four men in a room will give you four different opinions
Four women in a room will give you three women attacking another.

there's not enough disabled midgets for your vision

depends entirely on the setting
is it a sitcom about a bunch of people living in neighboring apartments/the same community? then yeah, a 1:1 ratio is fine
is it a show about a physics research lab? 3:1 or higher seems good
is it a show about a construction site? you'd be hard pressed to find a single woman there
funny how you never hear a woman complaining about lack of representation in coal mines or garbage pickup

>guys prefer a sausage fest to being surrounded by tons of women
absolute bullshit

Because those jobs are for expendable people, who are naturally men. Even at time of war, men are the ones we don't need. Its not well known but the biggest victims of war itself are the women who need to pick up the pieces.

Not even women give a shit about watching women. How often is a movie primarily aimed at women a blockbuster? Every successful movie these days starts with it being a guy movie as a base and then it gets tailored to be more appealing to women. Women just can't leave men the fuck alone and let them enjoy anything.

But I watched K-On!. Why's anime deal female representation so much better than faggy westerners? Is it because males prefer idealized conception of women?

not only do women talk more than men they tell you every thought that enters their brain like a 5 year old