How do we stop them from ruining Any Forums like they did with Reddit, Quora, Stack Overflow, Youtube, Tiktok...

How do we stop them from ruining Any Forums like they did with Reddit, Quora, Stack Overflow, Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, Pornhub and so many other websites?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_India.svg.png (1200x800, 32.17K)

1. make woke agenda
2. indian government creates firewall
3. ???
4. profit

>Creates woke agenda

Any Forums chuds we lost...

I still don't get the
in Any Forums's steps-posts format

we don't, they are based both online and irl

you can't
Are we an Islamic shithole? why isn't netflix banned then?

Attached: Netflix_India_LGBT_propaganda_1.webm (476x320, 2.04M)

just post about human rights and how the caste system is evil

they'll either ban Any Forums and we'll be rid of them or they'll actually evolve their society beyond the bronze age.

Good morning Sir
I have three degrees, two masters and a PhD from the best indian universities and I can tell you that your question doesn't have a simple answer due to its complexity.

LGBTQ+ people exist here, we even have a station dedicated to them.

Attached: Lgbtqstation.jpg (678x381, 283.04K)

>woke only limits to lgbt
oh my indians

really wish they had their own internet like chinx

>caste system is evil
>Whi*Te "people ununronacally believe dem Brahkikes rulling in 2023

Attached: 114031-rumeacmerq-1551191463.jpg (1200x630, 131.44K)

>just post about human rights and how the caste system is evil

Attached: what a retard.gif (96x96, 31.2K)

Character limit of 40. Indians cannot go below that. It has to be wall of text from them.

You see the bushurja caste in 400 as attacked the juimisu caste leading to irjusi taking over in 500 ad now china anf India are cutting edge on nuclear plants and 9nm chips meaning america will have to back off on Russia because of the sfaaofjfee saying of 767 ad about the kajirihy caste and now Taiwan will fall with america and bric will take over

It's unreal how delusional intoids about India, it's baffling.....

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It's too late, Sir Chads will redeem the world

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It's not even about Islam LGBT shit is deep rooted in South Asian society, In Pakistan during marriages people pay Trans ladyboys to dance & it's a 99% Orthodox Islamic country

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You can't. The area I live in is already majority Indian. Even in the unlikely event that India makes a giant firewall, they'll still already be here.
Just retreat into obscure weebshit and /tg/ stuff, Indians do not have the power level required to enter into those mediums in any significant numbers.

>ask how to make an omelette on quora
>some cringy pajeet starts explaining how bhattaramachatragmubururpari, hindu god of chickens made the first omelet according to vedic texts

I really hate Indians on the internet and instantly stop reading or watching if I realize it's something done by a Pajeet, but the ones on Any Forums aren't that bad.


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it's too late