Attached: PF0u5Khn3h.png (1905x993, 1.36M)

no, and thank god cause it keeps me employed :3

Lol. Did they paste him in using fucking microsoft paint?

You shouldn't have a job, H1B.

pfft like I would ever go work in Canada for half the pay


Attached: THOR RAGNAROK VFX.webm (1280x532, 2.91M)

I noticed this. Its hard to enjoy what I call Moon Movies. These are movies that are set on a green screen/ sound stage and it feels like there is maybe 30 feet square of space the people are actually interacting in and everything else is just bullshit. They broke it with HD, res is just too good to hide, its a new uncanny valley. Only movies filmed on location make me feel anything anymore.

hahahaha why tho

based pajeet

Moon Movies because the moon landing is fake and feels exactly like that as well.

it would cost less money just to fly to iceland or ireland or wherever the fuk those cliffs are and just film it for real wtf

>Only movies filmed on location make me feel anything anymore.
A few scenes in Morbius are shot on location and (in spite of the quality of that movie) my brain lit up with dopamine from seeing something real.

Hollywood North strikes again

You can't expect deep fake actors to show up on location come on user.

every movie that was made when digital recording was invented has been the worst movies i have ever seen. It's like one giant humiliation ritual. No redeeming qualities whatsoever. Actually embarrassing and cringe to watch

VFX work is often outsourced to the lowest bidder. They're all nerds so teams often do work for bragging rites over financial incentives too.

>even the eyepatch is cg
lmao wtf is this
make hemsworth's jacket cg too at this point, why not?

yo can you hook me up with a job dawg

it really doesn't though.
>you have to fly the crew out/get a local crew depending on laws
>fly the actors out
>fly the equipment out
>set up a generator and shit to run the lights etc. whatever
>have to delay shooting if it's too overcast or raining
you really think disney would do this if it was MORE expensive?

No it fucking wouldnt
People keep spewing this “CGI is expensive meme” that literally comes from Jurassic Park. Yes, in 1993 building a t rex head from plastic to break a car window was cheaper than making it on fucking room sized servers running on Algol

It has NOT been relevant for two decades

And also, people STILL spew the lie that chi is more expensive than hand animated, which only ever applied to Toy Story, and stopped being true by the time Toy Szory 2 came out

No, nowadays even making the eyepatch CGI is much more cheap especially if china suddenly makes a new law that makes eyepatch haram, it will take five minutes to replce it in post
And nobody can tell the difference so why not?

Filming scenes like this gives producer the ability to endlessly tweak settings until they get the best results from focus groups without the need for reshoots. Art has gone out the window in favor of appealing to the lowest common denominator.

It's not about the costs, it's about the convenience of post-production alterations. Films are all done in the post-production now, because that's where the non-creatives get all the power to make it as profitable as possible.

but why

Isn't paying for cgi just as expensive?

>Marvel actually hired actors for these roles

Attached: avengers infinity war.webm (1920x1080, 2.83M)

money laundry, there is no other explanation.

Based on the budgets modern cgi fests have, you'd definitely think so. I don't know the facts about it, but it seems pretty clear if you compare budgets of non-cgi films

Finally! Someone finally said it. I was sick of people saying this shit.

Look at what freelancers are charging.
Look at what amateur literal-who redditors are able make in their bedroom for free.
Also the other guy also forgot to mention unions - it's definitely cheaper to CGI an eyepatch than it is to deal with wardrobe union for example.

good morning sir

>it would cost less money just to fly to iceland or ireland or wherever the fuk those cliffs are and just film it for real wtf

Correct. But it would take more time. Hollywood always prioritizes speed over cost. They are fine making bloated 250 million dollar cg fests if it's fast and on time.

you're probably closer to breaking even than you think, (depending on where the location is) and it's way less work and nothing can go wrong when you film in a studio

Not to mention that CGI is being taught to more and more people everyday and more and more programs are being made to make CGI easier.

Most people don’t know how to do practical stuff. The people making Wandavision had to ask old people how to do the old special effects because they didn’t know what how they were done. The old ways are being lost.

Pretty much all VFX is outsourced to india nowadays, except the real cutting edge stuff lmao. They'd rather have a pajeet make a scene for $50 than employ an actual human being.

It's still much cheaper than dragging heavily insured actors with a tight schedule around the globe.

but when was the last big blockbuster with even just minimal CGI even made? over a decade ago at this point