Why did she stop pursuing her non pornographic acting career? She could have been a indie darling

Why did she stop pursuing her non pornographic acting career? She could have been a indie darling.

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No, she couldn't. No one was gonna give her a pass after all that cock-chugging.

twitch+DJing pays more than indie films

Actresses have careers specifically due to their cock-chugging. Difference is they do it in private.

>playing videogames like every other e-thot
But I thought Sasha was a true artsy girl...

Daily reminder to all this was her best scene

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is back left the guy that killed a kid while drinking and driving?

She is smart enough to be a zero effort twitch streamer. That way she
>Has an army of simps that overpay her for sitting around
>Doesnt have to deal with the toxic hollywood environment
>Doesnt have to fuck ugly kike producers to get important roles
>She realized that the pursuit of fame and money is destructive and laying low is the way to a peaceful life
>She had enough from her hardcore porn days

You can’t be an indie darling when the world as see your butthole stretched and gaped in various ways

I prefer the one where she's a secretary
also her very first movie, she looked so cute

4 jew 1 nigger

This. She's made it. She gets to have her cake and eat it.

She can't act.

I'll give her credit for not spending her entire post-porn career whining about not getting enough money and being objectified while still going by her porn name like Mia Khalifa

>that scene where she’s getting her back blown out at a party and everyone is watching
I’ve never cum so much in my life


just search "first video in college"

The pirate dude? Yes, and I think he's dead too

Didn't she start an onlyfans too? Kek

Make lingerie normalised NOW

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She should’ve done a ITC scene