This movie made me hate america so much

This movie made me hate america so much

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go on

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Shouldn't an old guy like him be more sympathetic to a vet? He was probably one too

He’s doing his job as a sheriff and protecting the town. You never know what type of person is coming in, and if they’re a vet vagrant who isn’t mentally well they could be a danger

Republicans avoided the draft like the fucking plague.

I guess Republicans aren’t retarded then

Whatever shithole you live in probably has vagrancy laws too

small towns are comfy because they basically made undesirables feel unwelcome

Leave it to Any Forums to defend this megalomaniacal piece of shit

This is pretty much how all middle class whites act. If you're not in their particular good ole boys club they harass the fuck out of you then cry when you fight back. Doesn't even matter if you too are white, if you're too different you become a target. Other races just get it worse because they are obviously different at first glance.

Sheriff is a korean war vet, and anyone younger and from vietnam era is a degenerate low-life to him. Especially homeless vagrants.

>wants the weird soldier to move on becasue he seems like an unbalanced psycho
>the weird soldier snaps and kills half the town
the sheriff was right

still making the same old rambo thread? holy fuck, dude get a life.

Not the original guy. Just find if funny how terrible america is

This is how you people operate. You bully people then when they fight back you say SEE SEE I TOLD YOU as if you're not the ones who started shit.

First of all, you don't ask the questions around here. I do. Understand! Second, we don't want guys like you in this board

The Sheriff was half-right.

Rambo does himself no favors, and for whatever reason, never explains he is a vet. He went looking for a fight and found one. He could've just kept on walking.

Sheriff does the same...never asks if he is a vet, and while not wrong in stopping to ask him questions, or helping him to the other side of town, definitely escalates. Rambo carrying a goddamned machete doesn't help. Sheriff being a ball-buster doesn't help.

So...the beginning of the movie is basically two smart asses wanting to prove a point. After that point, when they fuck with Rambo in the station...they deserved what they got.

>childhood is thinking either Rambo or Sheriff were right
>adulthood is thinking both were right
>transcendence is knowing both were wrong
>ascendance is knowing it's a movie that never happened to make people real money off an emotional manipulation

Wasn't it plainly obvious he was a vet from his jacket that says US Army on it?

What movie

Rocky Vee

>becoming elder god tier is knowing that even if its a fictional story doesnt make your emotional response to it less real

he lied to the sheriff too, he said he was going to portland while portland was south and he was heading north.

>the director also made this kino

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