David Lynch stole from this film

>David Lynch stole from this film
>becomes a renowned Director for his "artistic and avant-garde" style movies
>meanwhile nobody saw this
If there's one thing Americans' good at, its' stealing

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Okay sell me on it. I liked Boku no Pico so I'm not against gook flicks

they cant keep getting away with it!

all works of art steal from other works get over it weeb

americans may have been the pioneers in cinema, but most of them are uninspired, their ideas too

Japanese Eraserhead, but this movie came first

>americans may have been the pioneers in cinema

>americans may have been the pioneers in cinema

All good things in this world have been created by America. Democracy, guns, films, burgers etc.

you can have that lol

thanks for reminding me how stupid this board has become

cinema per se, the narrative i mean, not just camera footage from the Lumières


there’s barely anything Lynch took from this movie. Kubrick stole a lot from it for a clockwork orange, and he admitted it. but there’s definitely not enough to say that Lynch got his whole style from this movie

I wouldn't be surprised if David Lynch had never even heard of this movie

Inverted gook Oedipus.

Birth of a Nation

*Looks to the side of you*

Japan stole their entire culture from China, you absolute clown.

This looks more like a Michelangelo Antonioni movie than it does a Lynch movie.

Attached: E898F97F-3DA6-415A-84F0-3C1AB2BD5DE6.jpg (800x450, 365.01K)

anime will NEVER be kino
cope , seethe and dilate

Australians made the first film in the format we know today. Wild shit.
Also they made the clapper for sound syncing.

Not even fucking close…like at all. Stop embarrassing yourself