Did anyone ever actually use the tips on this show?

Did anyone ever actually use the tips on this show?

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I used the one about avoiding black people

Yeah I did. It came out right as I entered middle school and I feel like this show helped me have a less cynical outlook on life, even beyond middle school. Thanks, Ned.

>cookie takes a test naked because he scores perfect and they think he cheats
>nothing about being black at all
simpler times

Race relations were too good, had to do (((fix))) that

All of them, except the one in the finale I never understood what it was about

Cookie had google glass way before everyone else

Attached: index.jpg (318x159, 5.26K)

What was that again?

I think I was naturally such a smart and social person all of the tips felt extremely obvious to me

Middle school is a time of great anxiety for a lot of people, and when people are tied up in their own anxieties, it's difficult to navigate the fast-paced new social environment.

always wanted moze to fart on my face

>School Survival Guide
>No episode on school shootings
I died and it was Ned's fault. We all knew Coconut Head was unstable, and he had no tips to survive his assault.

She ended up looking way too old to play that character

That’s true. I stopped being shy around third grade and turned into a social butterfly ever since. The only time I’m a little anxious is if I’m talking one on one with an attractive girl now

I knew coconut head was crazy when he walked over to my desk and made me call a coin toss. Something about his demeanor scared me, but I got the coin toss right then he walked away

mine is the opposite, im really shy and awkward but i dont really get nervous around women. sadly, this makes most people think im gay

You might just have a feminine personality which is fine. Some people click a lot easier with certain types of people. I’m pretty social and easy going so I’m not usually shy around women, but some “tough” guys I’m a little less comfortable around. The worst are those small gay rappers, had some dude wave a gun at me once. I never felt a need to posture so when people need to posture and act cool I find that a little annoying to be around them especially when they’re dumb

I wish I could do it all over again I've wasted my youth masturbating in the dark

i thought it was just how he sees the world, not actually a HUD in the glasses. did anyone else wear the glasses and saw the HUD?

I like how statistically Cookie would have by far the lowest IQ but he’s the mega genius

I don't care about that as long as they aren't being aggressive with it. This wasn't aggressive. Cookie was a bro.

Agreed. I actually thought Cookie was funny, it’s also just funny how he’s black. I’m not really racist, but from my experience a huge majority of black people aren’t very smart, at least in school. I always found reading and math very easy and straight forward and like 50% of black people can barely accomplish it

I'm extremely racist, but I've come to the conclusion that all politics, including race relations shit, is part of the kosher sandwich which will be used to destabilize and ultimately destroy the United States. This includes this recent mainstream recognition of replacement theory, which although is true, is mainly designed to agitate people into agitating each other. Even if I hate niggers, niggers and I have the same (((enemy))). And some niggers are still bros, like Cookie.