Are you prepared for the global water crises?

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>prayer for rain
Jesus fuck, christian politicians are some of the dumbest most backwards people on that continent. Funnily enough they complain Islam is a backwards religion and people while literally doing and being exactly the same with broze period mentality and logic.

Pig disgusting

isnt utah kind of a desert

dude he's from utah. mormons aren't christian
kinda, not completely THOUGH

Just activate HAARP or someshit. You waste trillions of dollars on bombing random arab cities. Why not spend it on climate tech research?

>got millons of dollars for research n shit
>supposedly one of the more advanced countries on earth
>got people walking the moon, sends spaceships to mars
>pls pray god for rain now ... we need ur help
literal troglodytes, next economy goes down and its all gods fault, kek

>mormons aren't christian
what are they then?

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we are too busy wasting money on ukraine

mormon (ie retarded)

Shouldn't have settled in a semi-arid location.

I hope brown shit goes extinct

Don't be so self hating


Only neoliberal cucks and their shills suffer for privatizing their water so Mr.Smith Shekelstein can make beer, cars or soda. My little town, San Goblino de las Petacas, protects our water sources from foreign companies, the mexiCUNT government and oligarchs, we have a rural guard that patrols our water springs and rivers 24/7 armed with lever rifles and AR 15s the cartel and some chinese guy gives us for letting them establish fentanyl laboratories deep in the forests.

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Americans be like

lol Indians are so weird doing their tribal rain dances and shit. Anyways, I gotta go. Collective rain prayer

Technically they are Christians but it's a non-nicene branch, like Islam.

Time to annex Canada


yes prayer for rain, meditative state for looking inwards, yes prayer imbecile, yes prayer

retarded underage

Our lazy government literally just needs to build more dams and create more lakes along the rivers to store more water. We let most of our rain flow back to the ocean, because our gov is too greedy to spend money on more lakes.

nigga better start doing a rain dance