Russian redditors think east euros never wanted to leave the soviet block

Russian just lost the information war folks.
Are all russian that delusional ?

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It simply means that propaganda was too shit to brainwash people.
It simply meants that next time we need to murder more people and brainwash people harder.
Go fuck yourself subhuman. That's all.

USSR had a mechanism to secede if a country wanted to, funny how nobody used it.

Yes, its almost like they didn't want to get Czechoslovakia'd or something.

Americans still use that argument against state secession though

Do they? I've never seen it unironically argued by anyone who has any credibility on the subject.

Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, etc. were not part of the USSR.

Russia should just be closed off from the Web what a loud shithole

Yeah but this kinda doesn’t work when your government is a non elected dictatorship. Of course commie government of SSR will not secede, but majority of the people wanted to.

>I've never seen it unironically argued by anyone who has any credibility on the subject.
I don't think I've seen credible figures venturing beyond "It's unconstitutional!". I would be interested to see one that ventured further in the subject if you have any notable example.
Still, the deal is that most Americans would probably support such actions unironically if it was actively promoted on TV.

>actual reddit threat
who cares

I dont’ see any threat.
Just pute delusion.

>1 year ago
fuck off

>One random comment with 25 updoots represents the collective opinions of the entirety of russia
You need to go back, also

Friendly reminder

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funny, how the countries that hate USSR the most and celebrate it's destruction each year weren't asked if it was a benefit to them

Why do you think r/Scotland is a ultraprogressive community of basement dwellers compared to real scotland? or any other country sub in reddit?

I bet Roosiya I channel goes a long way
Imagine relying on state-backed news

nobody used it until ussr ran out of money lol

Baltics have such small populations they don’t really matter. They probably won’t exist in 50 years, given their current demographic trends.

Usually, they are the only ones that are asked

This thread doesn't belong to int go to pol

Why are you a coward using a VPN?

Attached: countries leaving NATO.jpg (1024x1024, 264.08K)

That means that the first breakup years were bad not that they wanted to stay.
Now post a survey «do you want to form the ussr» back from ex ussr countries. Recent events showed ukrainians definitely didn’t want that.

fuck off

Now post South Carolina trying to leave the United States.

Their population growth rate is actually getting better and better since 2010s and almost positive. They are not dissapeatin anytime soon.
And they got better living standards compared to russia lmao.

Did America invade South Carolina in WW2?

>Russian redditors think east euros never wanted to leave the soviet block
>Russian just lost the information war folks.
>Are all russian that delusional ?

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That's literally what happened THOUGH

your image implies that ukraine is part of russia