Lying Hack

"While speaking with Rolling Stone, the Lucasfilm president explained just how difficult it is to make a Star Wars movie. Apparently, part of this boils down to her view that the franchise doesn’t have any prior material to pull from."

“'Every one of these movies is a particularly hard nut to crack,' said Kennedy. 'There’s no source material. We don’t have comic books. we don’t have 800-page novels, we don’t have anything other than passionate storytellers who get together and talk about what the next iteration might be. We go through a really normal development process that everybody else does.'"

>Nigga, what the heck are you talking about?

>Surely you were fully aware of the Thrawn trilogy, because he appears prominently in "Star Wars: Rebels"

Kathleen Kennedy Says It’s “Vital” Lucasfilm Move Away From Skywalker Saga, Will Stop Recasting Legacy Characters

>You're literally about to release a series about one of the greatest legacy characters of all time starring a recast Obi-Wan, and it's been well established at this point that fans love Ewan McGregor.

>Why is this woman like this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do you think she, and I guess others in similar positions, rehearse and memorize this bullshit to say beforehand, or does she just go in blind and spout off whatever comes to mind?

I honestly wouldn't be surprised.

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>we don’t have anything other than passionate storytellers

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I'm glad they didn't adapt the EU, they wouldn't do it justice.

How appropriate that she's wearing black and surrounded by stormtroopers.

Furthermore, if they really wanna move away from the sequels, imagine how cool it would be if they just redid the sequels from scratch, but recast or animated in the vein of Clone Wars? Disney adapting the Thrawn trilogy could be well received and amazing.

I mean, it literally was the canon continuation of Star Wars until Disney came along.

Aside from Book of Boba Fett, Favreau and Filoni have done an excellent job with Clone Wars and the like. I think that those two could have done it justice if Kathleen would just stay out of the way.

>Every one of these movies is a particularly hard nut to crack
>We go through a really normal development process that everybody else does.
How does she outright lie and contradict herself in matter of 3 sentences with a straight face? This borders on genuine retardation.

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I liked George Lucas' original sequel treatment, he had a pretty solid outline that would have focused more on Leia.

It still miffs me off that Lucas sold under the condition Disney make the sequels, only for them to turn around and do their own thing.

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Clone Wars multimedia project is better than anything they've done.
I would've loved to see what the Whills were all about.

I like some of Lucas's ideas, pretty much any idea that can be realized on screen is better than First Order, that was the first bad stone in weak foundation of sequels. But I don't really care to learn about Whills. Every rumor surrounding them sounds stupid.

Here's the thing.

When I first saw the Force Awakens trailer, and I mean the first teaser, I thought the film was gonna go something like this:

A young stormtrooper abandons the New Empire and follows a jedi student on a journey to find Luke Skywalker.

I thought the trilogy was gonna be about Finn and I think that could have been really cool. A trilogy about a stormtrooper's path to redemption? That sounds awesome!

What's more, everyone's so obsessed with diversity right now, you'd think Disney would jump at the chance to have a Star Wars trilogy led by a black man as the protagonist.

But nope! Instead we've got Perfect Ma-Rey Sue, and Finn is relegated to a joke character.

A stormtrooper-centered trilogy could have been awesome and I am so, so disappointed that this isn't what happened.

>Lucasfilm Move Away From Skywalker Saga

LMAO. Yet not only are all of their new projects set in the past, but they have a Young Luke in the Obi Wan series which also is going to feature Anakin Skywalker.

yes, Kathleen, no matter how hypocritical you are, but the Star Wars are SKYWALKERS and now you can't move into the future because you killed the entire Skywalker family.

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I did not buy for a second that Finn will steal the spotlight. Rey being an orphan from a piece of shit sand planet, every scene with her, it made it clear as coffee whose story the movie is. It never pulled a rug off my feet, I just kept thinking "seriously?"

If anything Rey could have been a full fledged Jedi trained by Luke and running from Ran Wherein she happens upon Finn, the sequels protagonist. And teaches him how to use the force.



Here's a hot take: I thought Alden Ehrenreich's performance as Han was pretty solid.

If I was in charge of Star Wars right now, here's what I would do:

1. Bring back Alden Ehrenreich as Han, cast Sebastian Stan as Luke since he bears a striking resemblance to young Mark Hamill and is a great actor already established by Disney, and cast an actress like Sophie Turner as Leia.

From here, I'd want to re-do the entire sequel trilogy, basing it solely off a combination of George Lucas' sequel treatment and Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire trilogy.

I'd reduce the Disney Sequels to "Legends" and reinstate the previously established comics and books to canon.

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This could be cool too.

Anything would have been better than what they did.

I'd take a dark character drama about Jar Jar Binks following the establishment of the Empire over what we got.

>Finn, the sequels protagonist.

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Sounds horrible and like a major waste of resources. I don't think Lucas's films should be touched in any way, they exist, they are canon, there's nothing to do about them, they stand perfectly as is. Would be easier to just ignore sentimental attachment people have to actors who play specific characters and recast them and do a sort of sequel TV series in-between Return of the Jedi and Farce Awakens.

That's not fair to bring up. Again, my assumption of him being the main character was from way early on, before the majority of these characters were established. Going solely off the first teaser and first trailer.