Live your myth in israel

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What happens If an arab family wants to move into the neighborhood?

fuck wrong pic

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it's israel not arab

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Literally nothing because we're not racist.
But I'll be probably murdered if I try to buy a house at some Arab village.
Sad double standards we have here.

if they're rich enough and someone is willing to sell to them then they can move there

What about israeli arabs?

nice to see my tax dollars at use

>Literally nothing because we're not racist.

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we're not arabs

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cherry picking in its purest form

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Which one of you is right?

ignore that retard, he'll only give you two word non answers

That's Palestine thought

where is mossad hq

what's that?

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like always the answer lies in between, but jewish israeli society as a whole is becoming more racist and fascist
literally the 4th biggest party here is kahanist fascists that call for genocide.

>That's Palestine thought

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I want a comfy vineyard in ha galil

Thats syria, not israel.

>>Literally nothing because we're not racist.
It's illegal to not sell or rent to someone because of race, religion or gender.
People got sued for stuff like that and had to pay thousands.

in ramat hasharon they have a public office

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As a Catholic I would really love to visit Israel. I've met I lot of people who loved travelling there.

>It's illegal to not sell or rent to someone because of race, religion or gender.
Doesn't mean that it doesn't happen genius, you know how many of my palestinian friends experienced shit like this? and then we have fucktards like you claiming it never happens/you can just sue people, like everyone has enough time and money to hire a lawyer and sue someone, especially struggling arab families, come on.

are they scary people?

that's literally what you look like though

another garbage thread by the pp

there are many olim from brazil, pic related
i know some people from uni that got the kind of security clearance you'd need to join but idk if they went to mossad,shabak or some other place. they did stuff like basically disappearing from social media\internet

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olim from brazil in raanana i mean

>that's literally what you look like though

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Ablooablooo shut the fuck up.
Yeah, it happens but if they have an Israeli citizenship they can buy just like me.
Enter government lottery for big building projects and such.
Don't act like no Arabs live near Jews.
Plenty of families in mixed cities like Ramleh, Lod. Many Arabs in Be'er Sheva too. And no, it's not just Aabs selling/renting to Arabs.
But on the other hand what Arab would sell/rent to a Jew? Literally unheard of. Fuck you.

im talking about israel not arab

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