
Brass Eye edition

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Bonfire of Teenagers
Which is so high in May north-west sky
Oh, you should've seen her leave for the arena
On the way, she turned and waved and smiled: "Goodbye"

And the silly people sing: "Don't Look Back in Anger"
And the morons sing and sway: "Don't Look Back in Anger"
I can assure you I will look back in anger 'till the day I die

Bonfire of Teenagers
Which is so high in May north-west sky
Oh, you should've seen her leave for the arena
Only to be vapourized

And the silly people sing: "Don't Look Back in Anger"
And the morons swing and say: "Don't Look Back in Anger"
I can assure you I will look back in anger 'till the day I die

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>there is no alcoholism problem in the UK
bullshit. bunch of drunks on that island of yours

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find it mental that people Iift weights when you can just do weighted calisthenics which is 100x safer and more effective


yeh but im not a women? Lol

me on the left

can't understand why people lift weights and go running when doing those things is boring and stupid and makes you hurt afterwards and is a pain in the arse to do

got salmon and salad in fridge and some new potatoes to go with them. and yet ive got a craving for maccies. a greasy triple cheeseburger, chips, and 20m nuggets with ketchup.

One of the greatest British comedies
Don't make them like they used to

It's alright for the trannyspammer to just unload their folder onto thread after thread but I get banned in like 15 seconds for posting one image of an FTM?

Very strange

Anyone else think they'd be an excellent fucking Prime Minister?
I'm so good at not spending money.
Even have a pot with all my 1ps and 2ps because I always insist mr pakiman gives me my change.
I'd have a surplus within a year.

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Fuck off was it the greatest British Comedy
You're a spacka

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It's only evolution lads.

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playing farmville

Feels good to do
After you do physically exhausting things you get a high from it where you just generally feel good
Plus you feel very lightweight and airy its hard to explain

The Day Today and Brass Eye are absolutely kino


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I've been on /shit/ for 9 years
Anyone remember Craven?
I remember Craven

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Kinda based
Based but not daily uploader
>jordan peterson
>lauren southern
>ben shapiro

The state of you lad, stick with Ron Paul, Rebel Capitalist and the very underrated Bill Whittle. All you need tbqhwy

haha remember 190? god im SUCH an oldfag!


could imagine this being a peter hitchens tweet and then reading an article the next day explaining that he actually has never even heard of farmville before

I Stan this queen

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yes, i remember craven.
and fatcam
and porridgelad
and the ill-fated meetup in 2014

we need to fucking move on

im playing farmville in the UK on facebook on FarmVille

I am sick of god damn illegal immigrants, why the duck are we paying 120 million to house and support a few illegal immigrants to live in Rwanda?

If I was prime minister anyone who is caught here as an illegal immigrants gets a massive brand on their forehead then squashed onto the cheapest flight possible back to their own country then fine that country for letting then leave

Who wants to come to my habbo hotel room for some bobba

been here so long i remember when moni used to be called amer

I think ranch and salad cream are the same thing

she looks like a fucking dung beetle

So atleast 3 years


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