America's favourite comedian everyone

>America's favourite comedian everyone

Why is American humour so vile and crude while British humour is always clever, understated, full of spirit, soulful one might say

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>British humour is always clever, understated, full of spirit, soulful one might say

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Wishy washy timey wimey cor blimey on a barm

>British humour is always clever, understated, full of spirit, soulful one might say

the real difference is that British comedians are allowed to be pessimistic.

Joe Rogan might be a popular figure in America but it's not for his stand up.

British stand-up sucks. The only good one is Jimmy Carr, and all he does is go up and tell one-liners with shock value

five foot six inches

Rogan was never a funny stand up comedian. The weird thing is, he has a knack for skits and voice impressions but he doesn't do it.

> British comedy.
> Bad.
> Jimmy Carr
> Good.
America was a mistake.

He stopped doing that because he's a libtard cuck now


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He literally said the Holocaust was good because it got rid of the gypsies in a Netflix special from a few months ago

I'm not saying British comedy is bad period, Peep Show is one of my favorite shows, but your stand-up sucks

Isn't british humor all about saying words that nobody understands?

british dudes really be stuffing U's into all their words like they were posting a mass reply

Americans have no class. You can see them when they come to Europe. Extremely fat, yoga pants, flip flops, baseball caps all the time, even inside of bars and restaurants, loud and entitled. They give white people a bad reputation.

Is the stage tilted or maybe there's an optical illusion durme to the camera lense why does hJoe Rogan appear shorter than the barstool in the background?

This. People know him from Fear Factor and his podcast is insanely popular (because he's actually a great interviewer), but his stand-up is actual trash. Which makes it way funnier whenever he tries to have a "we comics" discussion about "the Craft" whether a comedian is on

My fav. Joe rogan bit goes something like this.
"I have a bit about that"

For me, it’s when he does the humping

>oi nothing mattahs and I proppa hate myself innit

He's a podcast host. Nobody knew who he was as a comedian, and nobody thinks he's funny now. His only real skill is being willing to host wrongthink.

yeah i agree with you. or i would if we werent comparing them to the british who are probably the trashiest race of human beings in the world


about that, user...

I got some bad news.

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Don't know what that is, don't care.