Dear Journal

Dear Journal

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I jerked off 37 times today to Patty. They should be calling me skeeter.

Reminder that Doug was the show creators self-insert and patty was based on his IRL high-school crush
>"It's my 10-year reunion, and I didn't go. I was in New York working like crazy as a freelancer and just trying to make it there. And I got a phone call in New York and it's Patti. The real Patti. And my heart's beating fast. She's like, 'I was at the reunion! You weren't!' and I was like, 'Yeah sorry I had to work.' And she goes, 'I found out you live in New York. Guess what – I do, too!' And she told me where she lives. We lived across Central Park from each other. And she says, 'Why don't you come over for dinner?' "
>"So now we're in a Doug show. I'm like, What do I wear? What will she look like?! All that's happening as I'm walking across Central Park to her apartment, just wondering and just hoping, all those things. I was, at the time, very available."
>"I get to the door, and you get buzzed up in New York, and so I walk up to the apartment and I hear the lock turn – it's getting ready to happen – and she opens the door, and she's perfect. Just perfect. She just looks spectacular and she's so happy, and her arms fly up and we hug, and I'm just like [frightened guttural gasping noises]. She backs up and she goes, 'Look, Jimmy! Boobs! I got my boobs!' [Laughs] It sounds like I'm making this up, right? And I'm like, 'Yeah, yeah, uh huh!' 'Yeah, they always used to call me Flatty Patti, but look!' And she was just funny and fun and innocent, but it's like Doug and Patti together again, years later, right?"
>"So this is all wonderful, right? And then she wheels and goes, 'Oh, Jimmy, I want you to meet my husband.'"
>"And I don't even remember the rest of the evening."

Dear Journal,

Today I measured my penis and it was eleven inches long!

That’s life!

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Why does Doug come off as the ultimate cuck?

The guy who created him admitted he based Doug on himself and patty on his high-school crush
In real life, she cucked him and married another man

saw that one coming

I will break Mr Dinks grill as many times as I want to

She knew exactly what she was doing

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And I'll break your face in my murder dungeon Doug, it was very expensive!

Because he is. Even as a preteen I found Doug to be the most pathetic, beta bitch, watch-my-girlfriend-fuck-the-blue-guy faggot to walk the earth.

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>this person got a seven season cartoon loosely based on his adolescent years

Only the most cucked people try to make a career out of children's cartoons

my right eyebrow fell off today.

It was when nickelodeon was taking on just about anything to see what worked. They were essentially the Netflix of their day with less pozzed bullshit.

He wasn’t cucked if he was never even in the running

Jim Jinkins can sell ice to Eskimos. He was and is very good at self promotion.

Remember that time I envisioned all my friends as hot dogs? I still masturbate to that memory. And now I have a fetish so obscure I have to commission artists to draw porn of it. I hope my parents will never find out why I volunteer to mow the lawn every weekend for the extra allowance.

shame he couldn't sell himself to his teenaged crush

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