Are your countries institutions completely subverted and infiltrated with marxists?

Are your countries institutions completely subverted and infiltrated with marxists?

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Chudjak IRL

Post-modernist academics and large corporations pushing "woke" politics ≠ Marxism

>le marxists
kek. wake up

off brand dysfunct command economics where market dynamics are integral but the culture is "equitable"

we had that phase in the 70s didnt last long

Read him

I bet you e never read anything about Gramsci, right?
You just repeat what low IQ YouTube """""right wingers"""" say
It just makes sense. The gay public is the richest ever, any businessmen that attacks faggots in public is a moron that'll likely end up bankrupt.

Marxists do not believe it's possible to turn capitalism into socialism through "hijacking" the bourgeois superstructure like entertainment, education, news, and so forth to propagate communism. Change will not come from the top-down, or through conspiracies. Anyone who believes this is a Marxist strategy has not read Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc. It will come in the open and from the bottom-up through proletarian revolution against the bourgeois-state, with the aim of overthrowing it and establishing a proletarian state in its place.


there is literally nothing wrong with getting free money

>Anyone who believes this is a Marxist strategy has not read Marx, Engels, Lenin, et
Congrats, you just discovered the modern left

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This. Any supposedly anti-capitalist media or institution's primary job at this point is to sublimate the desires of college educated left-adjascents for a better world into further media consumption. The working class gets to pick a side in an ultimately sterile and capitalist-mediated culture war.

Ok, then let's fight against said anti-capitalist me-

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This identify politics and PC culture is the result of liberalism and liberal democracy mixed with a poor interpretation of the Marxist class struggle.

I doubt that Marx was thinking about transsexuals and gender neutral when he wrote the Communist Manifesto.

This Twitter left was going to be shot by the real Leninists, Stalinists, Trotskyists and Maoists.

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The "modern-left", in popular Internet spaces primarily frequented by petty-bourgeois types, and in first world countries base their ideology in post-modernism, not Marxism. Their class interests are hostile to that of the global proletariat and peasantry and distort Marxism in order to fit their social-fascist narratives (i.e. to secure more modern luxuries stemming from the superexploitation of the Global South: lower working hours, higher wages, drugs, video games, health care, and so forth; when in reality communism would do just the opposite for the imperialist countries.).
Have you noticed that the official "communist" parties in different countries are basically fully engrained into the bourgeois political-economic structure and are functionally no different than the social-democratic parties? The real ones don't have this luxury, and are forced underground.

Pink money isn't a marxist concept.

It doesn't matter if they aren't marxist or not, you will never be able to drive them out of your movements, they will always be the face of the left

The only solution is to cross the rubicon and become anti-liberal.

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The solution is to reconstitute the CPUSA, maintain an anti-revisionist line, and appeal to those who actually stand to benefit materially from communism (who, in the U.S at least; isn't a majority of the population) instead of trying to convince settler consumer-aristocrats that they're actually exploited proletarians.
Of course, once the consumer-aristocrats get re-proletarianized (which, looking at current trends, seems like they will), then their class consciousness will start to change and then it will be worth appealing to some of them (others will turn fascist and try to get their former status back).

Sorry Chud, you will get cancelled and falsely accused of sexual abuse by a troon or a nb femoid

Have fun trying though!

You are a dangerous Kautskyst rightist. Face the wall, comrade, I will take your picture for our records.

feminism diversity and lgbt insanity ain't marxism