It really is the greatest animated film of all time

it really is the greatest animated film of all time.

imdb and RT have it at #1 for animated film, childrens film, and foreign film. i skipped it all these years thinking people were just being hipsters, but…wow. this movie is fuckjng INCREDIBLE.

are there any other movies i should try that i should not be skipping?

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I didn't like it but that's because I have trouble enjoying movies without a clear story act structure.

I'm pro Goro.

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Pic related is better but it's got boobies so kids can't watch it.

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Don't know if it counts but this is the best documentary I've ever seen
Absolutely chilling interviews with the people responsible for a massacre in Indonesia

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anime fucking sucks including ghibli

alright CHUD show some respect for foreign films.

Do you mean animated movies, Studio Ghibli movies, or something else?
I think Kiki's Delivery Service is the best Studio Ghibli movie, and one of my favorite movies of all time.

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Why do you people keep making anime threads? There is already a board for cartoons. Stop avoiding that board.


absolute kino

better movie

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The Wind Rises, Porco Rosso and Princess Mononoke were all better.

it's a shame so many people like it because I have to share something special with so many retards but it really is a good movie.

was the title of this terrible movie with horrible animation supposed to be a reference to Hedwig and the Angry Inch?

Anime movies generally suck from what I seen. I saw Belle and it was lame. Beauty and the Beast rip off and worse since it doesn’t commit to that theme

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I love The Wind Rises. That scene at the end when the wind stops and everything goes silent breaks my heart each time.

Not even the best Miyazaki movie, let alone best Ghibli, let alone best animated film of all time. Watch more movies before posting on this board again

it has its own category at the academy awards. this isnt anime, its an animated film by disney.

disney isnt anime.

>by disney

it's a delightful and engrossing experience from start to finish