If you were forced to live in either country for the rest of your life, which one would you chose?

Attached: Flag-Pins-Nigeria-Brazil.jpg (400x320, 59.53K)


Kill myself at the airport


the one with bigger BBCs



I don't know what the other country is, but nothing can possibly be worse than living in than Brazil.

Brazil. South Americans think they're poor huehues but they can't even imagine how poor Africa is, especially when you get outside of the cities and you're back in some techno-iron age culture.

>Nigerian woman telling me about her auntie moving back to Nigeria with her dog
>The dog fucking straight up died shortly afterwards

Its Nigeria
Nobody here thinks we are as poor as africans, firsties do.

Brazil of course. I hate Africa and its "people".

We know we are a step above africa

Most likely didn't give the dog bottled water.


You would need to be careful, since the portuguese introduced africans to South America, and in the count of millions. My city is more and more afroid everyday, im planning to move somewhere else

Do you live in the north or south?

Nig(g)eria has 225 millions of them and they will be more than 450 millions in 2050 and 1 billion in 2100.

More in the north than in the south, but in the central region.

Yeah thats grim and terrible.

Brazil, imagine living in africa man, cant relate

Theres literally no reason to prefer Nigeria. Maybe if it was Gabon or something

are you retard?

Southern Brazil.

brazil, not because it is better (it isn't) but because i'm more used to it

são paulo = nigeria for you?

Attached: sao-paulo-0109-paulista-marginal-pinheiros-tiete-centro-bairros-avenidas1.jpg (700x467, 95.77K)

Isn't Brazil Africa tier?

Agora posta a Heliópolis

yeah, sorry mate

uhh, brazil sisters?

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