White men need to stop being pathetic and rape everyone alive on earth so that they can get alpha status

White men need to stop being pathetic and rape everyone alive on earth so that they can get alpha status

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I refuse.

That would be mean

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dont worry most of them are cucks now

What drives someone to make a post like this?

I honestly perceive the dynamic between Whites and the rest of the species as between humans and neanderthals 50,000 years ago

porn + cuckoldry + desperate appeasement of board posters

It doesn't work like that, we tried.

whiteys have suffered for far too long and i feel bad for them

lack of bwc

with whites as the neanderthals about to go extinct

If I meant this, I would have listed them in that order

i don't give a shit what you meant

I would break your arthritic bones if you showed this lip to my face, street shitter

whiter than you gypsy

Almost everyone has access to food, excessive violence is unnecessary


I will fuck your brown asshole

>I will fuck your brown asshole

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They're UK citizens by now

but you're still posting under that larp flag

Your shithole only wants Indians bro

so you'd fit perfectly in

Incredibly funny to me that the country that prides itself on inventing funny banter is now exclusively populated by retarded Pajeets that think this is funny or clever

incredibly funny to me that a so called "white macedonian" chimps out like this hurling threats and insults like a pajeet in heat

You can only repeat what I say back to me because I'm better than you

you literally chimped out like pajeets do here when you insult their country lol. if you want to larp as a white man learn to stay civilised next time.

Your island will have the same racial make up as Ceylon because God hates you


Painfully unfunny