Killing babies GOOD

>Killing babies GOOD
>Killing criminals BAD
Does this happen in you're cuntry?

Attached: blobo6357qd71.png (640x641, 465.96K)

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based canadian poster

can chuds just have sex for once

Yes, we have morons too.

People here don't concern themselves with such matters.


Attached: birth-strike-full-text.png (995x4857, 409.24K)

What is your point? Pro-choice people have no issues with killing bacteria - thats why they wash their hands, take antibiotics, use hand sanitizer, etc.

Just because it is living does it make it a person, otherwise every time you masturbate, and I know OP does it quite frequently too since he is a permavirgin incel chud, you are killing your children.

The 2014 US election and its consequences have been a disaster for the right wing in westoid countries.

>clump of cells

I live in Quebec and every other women here has had an abortion.

Attached: 1658640588848.jpg (652x800, 141.88K)

Here abortions arent that common. It are mostly migrants who have them. Unless the kid is retarded. There is this thing called anticonception for when you dont want kids..

>Unless the kid is retarded.
I'm a woman and if I knew the fetus I was carrying had Down's or some other debilitating condition I'd abort immediately. I signed up to be a mother, not a glorified nurse.

>the GOP will make hand sanitizer illegal

I think both are bad.

I also think most people here arent against killing murderers per se. Its just that we dont have to. If there was a referendum about it I dont know what the result would be.

Why are so many women so heartless? I have a coworker that not only has a daughter with down syndrome, but he adopted another daughter with it too. He says it's very fulfilling.

I guess that's what happens when your province's DNA stock is made up of Filles du Roi

I don't have the material or emotional resources to raise a child who's going to remain mentally a child for the rest of their lives. Your coworker's kids are very young I take it. A 3-year old with DS is a lot less work than a 15-year old with DS.

It should be the man's burden to kill his unborn son (idgaf what happens to girls). A woman should not have a saying in any of this.

They're still doing it.

This is horrible.


rimming horses

Because you live in Quebec, Canada.

Killing niggers and jews