Do people like icecream in your country?

Do people like icecream in your country?

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That’s not ice cream that signore is eating, that’s gelato, you stupid americano! Mama Mia with these monolinguali

Didn't i see another vid of this fat faggot eating pasta?

Why are mexicans like this?

And then Italians call us brown.


lmaoooo this nigga shaped like the ice cream cone he eatin

They get fat as shit so easily. Is it genetics or something?
Hi carlos

he is dirty but mexico looks clean there

It's italy lmao

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It's clearly a gypsy

whats a mexican doing in italy?

He is a sciilian BVLL

High test

They are our latinx brothers

Is this dude really italian? I thought Italians were more obsessed with fashion and cared more about their appearance, also that they were whiter.

that dude is officially the whitest man in italy

All the white Italians went to Argentina.

Preping for his 3rd siesta today

He is Californian. Italians are neither obese, nor brown.

South Italians can be pretty brown sometimes