Why are they so rare on Any Forums?

why are they so rare on Any Forums?

Attached: Flag-of-South-Africa.png (2560x1709, 61.71K)

africans have their own Any Forums

There used to be one who posted in the Israel gen. He was jewish ofc ofc.

They are busy farming.

most of them are racist white assholes and post on Any Forums

Nelson Mandela was way too kind

I wonder why

Mandela would have died in prison if it wasn't for (((international pressure))) of the kind that Israel never gets. Once ZOG falls, trash like you will be right after.

South Africa is the world's most unequal country. Whites are maybe 8% of the population but earn 6-7X times as much as the useless nigs. They are also the ones who have computers and broadband.

the illegitimate zionist regime occupying palestine was an ally of the apartheid government
also mandela supported the palestinian cause

You are so deep in the rabbit hole that you have no idea what you are talking about anymore.

because I moved like the rest of the sane white south africans did.
because when you're surrounded by them, you start to realise that kaffers are fucking retards.

We honestly should prosecute all racist white South Africans who benefited from apartheid in the International Court of Justice.

It's an outrage that people like you are living comfortably in North America while black South Africans are still suffering in poverty due to the legacy of apartheid.

literally everyone in this thread is a fuckin noob

most of them use australian vpns because piracy is a crime in saffa

They all moved unironically. The colony is over

H-holy based

> if it wasn't for (((international pressure))) of the kind that Israel never gets
Lol ask an Arab country's politicians what they think of Israel

They all moved here.

>They all moved unironically.
They haven't but they seriously should. 10 to 1 nog ratio is unliveable under any circumstance. Do the Musk routine and move to the US/Canada or back to the ancestral lands in Europe.

>Oh no Riggs it's the south africans

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lol at the inbred on the right