Late Night HBO Television Host Bill Maher has come under fire for his comments made during Friday night's Late Night...

Late Night HBO Television Host Bill Maher has come under fire for his comments made during Friday night's Late Night episode. The comedian has suggested the rise in transgender and LGBTQ identification among Generation Z is largely due to trends visible on social media.

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How *clap *is *clap* he *clap* wrong *clap*

Behind every trend is a marketing strategist making it worse.

the black woman he had on that episode was annoying as fuck.

>literally everyone will be some form of non-straight gender/sex queer in two generations

so he had an average black woman on?

legitimately are there black women that arent annoying as fuck?

>Black Woman
Color me surprised


Attached: YOUBEESOFT.jpg (914x514, 75.33K)

>too far
So he was okay with it until a certain point?

Why is this dude like 6+ months behind every news?

Finally a voice of reason!!!
Bill is such a fucking piece of shit, I want to see him hanged and beaten with a stick

Gentlemen please keep the discussion relevant to what TELEVISION host Bill Maher said in his monologue

>6+ months
Sorry, meant 6+ years

Nigger me surprised*

>person points out something wrong with society
>gets doxed, family members receive death threats, fired from work, interviewed by police for hate speech

a year passes...

>liberals start making the same points
>lack the self-awareness to realize they could have stopped it if they acted sooner

rinse and repeat

he is trying to do "le voice of reason" because this shit pisses goyim too much

>come under fire
Translation: a few twitter users expressed their distaste.

stop pretending this faggot isnt 100% on board with trannies.

He's right though. Tranny shit is a fashion trend. You only have to go as far back as 10 years, tranny shit was back then contained on tumblr, and the general public still kind of laughed at or thought trannies were weird.

>to realize they could have stopped it if they acted sooner
It's intentional user. They don't call it out because it's politically convenient for them to keep the insane leftists in their party politically engaged during election years. Only when they are comfortably in power do they lighten up.

Obama during his campaign was a very different man from obama the president. Biden promised student loan forgiveness during his campaign and has not done so at all during his presidency. Kamala was a full open borders defund the cops turbo-lib during the campaign and has since walked it all back.

It's intentional. And now we're seeing it from liberal TELEVISION hosts. Don't be shocked if Colbert is next.

I respect that maher is willing to go against the party line. He may be wrong sometimes but at least he has balls and doesn't care about pissing off lefties or righties.

>Color me
thats racist

I'm a little rusty on the theories. Do people think Bill is gay or not? I feel like I remember the bill is a faggot stories when I was like 16 but that was YEARS ago, and I'm not sure if i'm just.. conjuring up a false memory. Part of me thinks he is an autistic level pervert who tries to fuck women by manipulating their world views, the other part of me thinks he's a closeted faggot that tries too hard to seem like a lady killer that he comes off as a shitty womanizer.

You're so gullible if you think this isn't a calculated attempt at getting moderates on board with voting for democrats so they can trojan horse in even more insane shit