/who/ - Doctor Who General

The could have been thread with its posts of meanwhiles and never weres:

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Jodie is a cute. I'm going to misss her bros.

Best Actor Doctor

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the could have been decent doctor with her army of forgettable companions and shit episodes

pretty good episode

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sucked, actually.

how come?


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The Doctor is a tranny
All the companions are trannies
Troons and relative dimension in space
It's over

nostalgia pandering = good
sums up everything bad about rtd (and doctor who)

praise the hutu dalek

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what is nostalgia pandering about the episode? it has a villain from the previous series?

>the cuck's ban ends in a few hours

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whole premise is sarah going back in time meeting her parents
just a redone idea from last series
even shoehorned in the tardis

the tardis is a funny joke. it's not really nostalgia pandering it's just bad writing since the plot is so similar to father's day. still, enjoyable enough

for toddlers, sure

>You want fly lice?

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sex with Sarah Jane!

Oops, looks like you uploaded the wrong picture

Here you go

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RTDfags are the most annoying posters in this general

what did he mean by this?

Such a fantastic writer.

>I got a reply!
happy simm
>It's from the autist
frowning simm

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We're also the vast majority of doccy who fans so get fucked

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Shitty wannabe Ace.
I'll allow it.

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why would anyone make these

For fuck's sake, what is this thread?

You know why.

Sad fetish