If you were a thirdie, would you rather apply for US or EU citizenship?

If you were a thirdie, would you rather apply for US or EU citizenship?

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US. The job market in the US is looking way better.

US, you can ride huge trucks and shoot big guns

if I WERE a thirdie, I would just kys what would be the point of going on

US, unless it's Nordic than EU

I am not sure at all.

USA: Higher crime and drug usage but more job opportunities. Also a growing evil MAGAidiot movement.
EU: Less crime and drug usage but fewer job opportunities. Also growing evil alt-right populist movements in areas like Hungary.

And the more desirable a place is to live (aka far away from MAGAidiots or other anti-immigrant populists), the more expensive the rents get.

US, it's basically the same shit,but i'd preferred Canada desu

Both tb h

>If you were a thirdie, would you rather apply for US or EU citizenship?

US of course

t. fourthie

uhhh indiabro??

EU citizenship. I would go to Poland and shill for Polexit.
Once you are in, you do what you can to not allow anyone else in, since you know where you come from and you know they would ruin everything if they follow your footsteps.

US. Europe is a sinking ship

I hope it's a sinking ship. As a matter of a fact, I hope Brazil gets very rich and Europe very poor. So we get the dirty immigrants (we are already dirty anyway) and Europe remain homogeneous.

Why not both?

Depends who was responsible for turning the country into a thirdie.

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>undesireable hordes would choose the US
ohno, anyway

If I’m skilled with a degree and job experience then USA. If I’m just a poor thirdie then I would go to Europe to leech off of free gibs

I've been informed by reliable sources that firstie countries are all shitholes full of suffering 24/7, so I'll stay in my cozy third world paradise, thank you very much

the fact only stone age tribesmen choose to move to europe should tell you it's a sinking ship

I'm fine here
