I fucked Zipper

I fucked Zipper

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Eat the bug -> FUCK the bug

please stop

You VILL fuck ze bug

Imagine if they didn't put this shit in the movie the discussion would have died in a few hours. They really know how to play you people into constantly advertising them for free and you're falling for it everytime.

Wasn't this bug their pet and couldn't talk? It sounds even worse when you think about it

Good for you user

the best meme in a while. She basically fucked her dog and had its babies.

she looks so much like this girl i knew who was a virgin till 26 and married an asian guy

she literally lived the gadget life.

Well, this movie is the ultimate fuck you to everybody. It turns out that all characters in all cartoons were just acting in the show, and their actual characters were nothing like.

you shut the fuck up about cartoons not being real or I'm gonna get real mad.

you were almost there
they're not playing people
they're using their language to advertise, pretending to be legit users

rangerphiles on suicide watch

Be a good user and post some reddit reactions about the movie.

Yes it's gamified. Personally though I think it goes further - very few people here are actually mad or posting about it. It's paid shills, probably the same ones who post the hanging trans people and the hanging 'chuds', on behalf of something invested in pushing things that outrage and divide people.

Why are women like this?

They use sex as a weapon but then get mad when they’re viewed sexually.

My friends wife did this to him. They were having an argument and when it seemed like he’d won and got through to her she just got quiet and then told him she’d fucked one of his coworkers, as if that made her right.

>having a wife ever
hope he learned something

>They use sex as a weapon but then get mad when they’re viewed sexually.
Not the same women. It's one group ruining it for the other.

Since they are physically weaker they attack verbally instead of physically, if that woman had been a man she would have beaten him.


>trans people

You had me until there.

or she would have tried and got ass pounded like in one of those reckt threads.

Where were you when Seth Rogen committed the greatest lore crime in the 2020s?

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Tsar Bomba incoming

3 please. one on each major continent so we can make sure everyone gets hit.