That´s the moment his heart break

That´s the moment his heart break.

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His heart merely chipped.


what happened here?

Chip is sad that he never manned up to romance Gadget, and she's married with kids because he did nothing.

Youre still banned

thats pretty messed up, why would they write this?

cucked for life

She's married to a Jewish bug

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Wait, why these chip threads? Did chip and dale get fucking rebooted or something?

There's a Roger Rabbitesque Chip and Dale movie out on Disney Plus.

>muh subvertiung people's expectations
thanks god I have the remastered episodes of the original cartoon
I will never consider this shit canon

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>Male characters all competent actors, real life dopes
>Female character is successful and brilliant actor and in real life.
Disney would never risk another Jessica Rabbit fiasco in 2022

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not only that
Zipper has a nigger voice in the movie

the remaster is missing two episodes, user
the 2000's DVD edition is the only one with all the episodes but it doesnt look that good


what could have been
goals that you don't score, goals the rival scores for you

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some dude on redit AI upscaled those episodes

got a link?

How is the Russian cult reacting?

mobilizing against America
Russia will declare war on the U.S. for this
screencap this

no idea
probably too busy dying from Ukranian's bullets