Average montana citizen

Average montana citizen

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>Quick let me take out my phone from my heated truck to take a selfie in this rugged environment to share with my friends on facebook
Hikers disgust me

This guy blatantly edits his own wiki page


this is what america used to be about

He can fuck my latina gf

I'm pretty Montana has the tallest people in the US.

When I visited, I felt like a midget and I'm 5'10. It honestly seemed like the average height was 6'2.

pretty sure*

ugly people cannot comprehend taking pictures of own self

Even that natives were tall, way taller than any CHI or mesoamerican muttoid

I can’t comprehend having social media at all.

I audibly kek'd, thanks user.

Lolwut? I'm 6'3" and I'm taller than 95% of the people I encounter here. Pretty sure the average height in Montana is close to the national average.

this is true

t. ugly person

That's a mountain lake, the forest is over there stupid.

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I lived in Montana for 3 year

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Are you that kid?

Where is the forest? And that lake looks polluted as fuck

It's not polluted, it's probably filled with glacial runoff and logs and shit. That's not pollution, that's silt.

Is he a homosexual or why did he a pic like a bitch?

he turned British

based r1bvll
we will rule europe again

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