Do you love Bavaria and Bavarians?

Do you love Bavaria and Bavarians?

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Is it true Bavaria is the Texas of Germany?

Where is Bavarianon?

>Loved by non-Germans, seen as happy and joyful people with rich traditions
>Hated by other Germans
>Seen as cold, rigid and unhumurous by non-Germans, a stark contrast to Bavaria

What is the cause of this phenomena, exactly?

What happened to that h*mosexual bavarian who posted Apus?

I've been to Bavaria before when I was a kid. It was pretty nice.
I've heard something like this before too.

only good part of g*rmany

The gay one? I haven't seen him in a long time.
Don't really care for them.
American soldiers exporting their experiences. It also helps that Bavaria was not bomed to shit during WW2 and many industries were moved there post war.

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What about Baden-Württemberg? :(

become Vorderösterreich again, then maybe. It already uses the austrian coloured shield

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He died from monkeypox :(

>3 months since bavarianon left

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Oh gladly

America has a bunch of Bavaria-inspired villages so it must be nice. Certainly beats regular American villages

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Bavaria in its current borders was invented by Napoleon and the majority of its inhabitants aren't even Bavarians

whats the view of austria nowdays of the average inhabitant there? I know at the Vienna Conference a delegation was sent and begged to remain part of austria, but Metternich decided against it

why do americans like to larp that much, instead of making their own culture

franken should be its own state part of germany, actual bavaria should be part of austria, sovl

They're usually in states like Michigan, Minnesota, or Iowa which are mostly made up of descendents of german migrants. Personally I think its nice that 4th or 5th generation german-americans are trying to reconnect with their heritage. Plus, the towns attract a lot of tourism and boost the local economy after de-industrialization closed all the factories