What do you think about the girls who have the sex experience before marriage?

Can you even accept that your wife has the sex experience before meeting you?

I think it is a crime
They are the future mother
But how can they have sex with other men?

They should feel ashamed to their parents

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This. Not different from cheating, just time scale is different


I agree but its sexist to say it in the modern world. I see modern women as no different to prostitutes, I have sex with them for my pleasure but I won't marry them. I will only marry a pure virgin qt waifu.

I think its dumb as fuck to worry about it since I’m an incel either way. I think my mating strategy will be to find a desperate single mother and hopefully she will give me a child. Its the only reproductive strategy available left for me

you can always find a gf, and if she has higher body count than you tell her I need to have some casual hookups so we're both equal.

Women want equality right

I've given up on the idea of ever having sex, let alone getting married.

Guys who think about this kind of things are later on unable to satisfy their partners because think they are worse in bed than the other ones.

pong pong bros....

I honestly don't give a fuck what women, or other people do for that matter.

Can you explain to me why the sex is so shameful in itself?


this argument make no sense. i did the same with other women

I don't care. Fuck this gay earth and everyone in it.

Don't bother arguing with incels. This is just one of the first steps towards them developing a hatred towards females because they won't have sex with them.

no, this only applies to women, man can fuck as many other people as they want. Allahmdullilah brother

Also this.

I don't want to put my dick where other dicks have been, is it so hard to understand

Imagine your future wife kissing you and your children with the same mouth a stranger cummed into

Dont you use forks and spoons someone else used before and washed clean?

Πάντα ῥεῖ
It is not possible for a dick to enter the same hole twice.