The webm that mindbroke Any Forums

The webm that mindbroke Any Forums

Attached: gadget kinder.webm (1280x536, 2.85M)


I unironcally dont get it. Is it a racemxing joke?

species mixing

>bro this got 500 replies in one thread so i MUST webm it hahahaha i need them yous

the joke is simply that you wouldn't expect the mouse to get together with the fly. It's just a subversion of expectations. it's a shitty joke, but I doubt this was part of some sort of plan to further the narrative


Why is he not wearing pants?

Cartoon mouse marries a cartoon fly. According to Any Forumscels this is literally white genocide somehow.

Is this rotoscope or something? Why does everything move so weird


Attached: 1653056937414.png (400x400, 282.17K)

that is a mexicuck

She was my wife, you sick fuck

It's shitty cel shaded 3D cg.
Lazy, cheap and ugly.

You never even watched that shit back in the day, did you zoomie.
The fly is literally a mute pet mascot. (((They))) cast him as a black guy in the movie.

its called cel shading, almost everything that is "2D" today is animated in 3D but made to look like 2D with this method.

it looks wierd because its poorly animated

Attached: blockyourpath2.webm (1920x1080, 1.97M)

I think the joke is that the fly was like a Scrappy-Doo type character, almost Pluto-like, so them getting married is weird. In this context he's an actor in a tv show though

I don't even think they went through the effort of drawing over it. It's cheap plug in animations with a filter put over it.


This is why Hitler used insecticide

Attached: 1652582816315.jpg (670x632, 105.24K)

I fucking loved chip and dale as a kid and I don't remember that because I'm not a stunted retard. My memories of this show are the theme song going 'chi-chi-chi-chi-chip and dale!' and gadget being hot. from what I can tell from that webm you racist spergs should be more up in arms about that pathetic excuse for animation


i always thought the fly was more of a pet

is this a subtle hint at white women and dogs?

Attached: Gadget and Zipper.webm (1280x534, 2.8M)

this animation is so goddamn bad. it looks like those fanmade touhou animations lmao

>doesn't cover up the car to protect it from sparks
>sparks from gas welding

nah man, nah

yeah just total coincidence that the production is a total jew fest haha I'm sleepy