This movie sucks. It's one of those movies that everyone pretends is good but is actually dogshit...

This movie sucks. It's one of those movies that everyone pretends is good but is actually dogshit. The script is atrocious. The acting and dialog is juvenile. The characters act illogically and against their own personalities that the film already established for them. The story meanders with no sense of purpose. The third rate screenwriter attempts to shock with predictable and cliched plot twists that anyone paying attention could see from 100 miles away. The only highlight of it all was Maria Bello's full frontal nudity shot.

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I don't pretend to like movies and I thought this one was fine... But that being said, Cronenberg is a massive hack in general.

Eastern Promises also sucks.

It was good, just not my cup of tea.

>gun is blurred and covers the main star's face

That poster is shit.

Fuck you.

This type of film is outside of Cronenberg's wheelhouse.
I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it.

>The characters act illogically and against their own personalities that the film already established for them.
so it's realistic?


>what is focus


>The script is atrocious.
Name one bad line

>you're a hero dad

Probably the weakest Cronenberg I watched

I really wish I could kick your ass naked in a shower right now

not a bad line. OP is a faggot

i heard it was good but i never got past the naked male fight scene where they were all fighting half chub dicks swinging around

so you didnt watch cosmopolis yet then.

i have watched this movie about 50 times and im not joking.

I turned it off 5 minutes in. I know it's a beloved movie but it just didn't sell itself to me.

imagine being this insufferable

why would you watch any single movie 50 times?

That's a lot.

fuck you

>Cronenberg is a massive hack in general
how so?you even think his worst movie is fine

I don't have to imagine.

cosmopolis is amazing

i dont know man, i think i might me lowkey autistic or something.
ive watched the thing (1982) over 100 times easily.
basically all movies i really dig i rewatch again and again.

Not him but I rewatch it every 3-5 years or so and have since it came out. It’s a great lil movie. It’s not amazing or anything it’s just a great lil 90 minute movie with a nice cast of memorable characters and an excellent portrayal of that early 2000s small town lifestyle in America, with everyone talking about leaving and the characters going to normal looking places. The high school and the mall and the town and their home feel very real, it isn’t some big budget set piece where they’re filming out of an LA highschool or anything like that, it’s small. Everything from the shitty locker rooms and tiny hallways and their tiny strip malls and dilapidated cracked parking lots with vegetation growing between the spots, to their normal looking real home that feels lived in. Lynch captured a normal family and place caught up in some extravagant and extremely violent and because of that it feels very disturbing. The violence that punctuates the film isn’t just brutal it really does come across like a nightmare scenario in a way.


probably the most obnoxiously long and uncalled for sex scenes ive ever seen