I miss him

i miss him

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who was his belt supplier again? must be great organic advertising everyone knowing how strong your company's belts are.

Did David Carradine use a belt or a rope

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Why? Did you know him personally?

He was a boring and his movies were boring too

why leftists hate him?

I am an incel chud actually (formerly alt-right)

HE doesn't.

why didn't he follow his own advice?

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OP here. He as my father, and I am the result of a love affair between him and my mixed black/mexican mother.

his problem wasn't temporary tho, he had severe untreatable dementia

>literal millionaire
>has a daughter
>makes people laugh all over the world for decades
>considered to be one of the funniest people ever
>kills himself
fucking coward. I hate it.

calm thine tits

reddit: the actor

If you've ever seen someone succumb to dementia you'd change your tune

>literally chokes himself to death
cope. also he was the most notorious joke thief next to denis leary and got a total pass

>If you've ever seen someone succumb to dementia you'd change your tune
If he was well on his way to severe mental illness to the point where he killed himself, why wasn't he being cared for?

He had the money and no doubt the insurance to get the best treatment available.

But no...he hangs himself in his living room for his own daughter to find. Fuck that.

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Is there anything worse than having dementia?

Toys (1992) is still one of my favourite movies.
I wish more films would use that sort of surreal aesthetic.

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I'm glad he's dead, suicide is the ultimate sign of a weak person and I have no empathy or respect for those that do it to literally themselves



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faggot with reaction pics folder

>faggot with reaction pics folder
d'awwww. cry more.

so do I

don't talk about strength you don't know what it is

i miss locke too

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Probably not. My mother had acute dementia where she was catatonic for a week because of a rare infection. When she woke up from it, she told us she was in a dark place with constant screaming and people being ripped apart by creatures.

D-did he see the future?
