This movie is bad because it’s racist

>this movie is bad because it’s racist
>Japan loves it

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how's it racist?

Japan doesn't love it. They think it's cringe (which it is)

Only leftie retards hate it. Tom Cruise's character isn't a samurai.

This movie is incredibly good.


I never saw it due to it being tom cruise.

BEFORE the woke cringe existed.

I hear it's a solid movie though. isn't it?

I hate how he turns on his former allies. It's the same reason why I hate Avatar.

>when the Japanese emperor starts speaking engrish

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This movie has 1 bad white man and 3 good white men in it.
It many good Nips in it and several bad Nips in it.

its one of the highest grossing movies of all time in japan

I think that part was dumb, especially after it is demonstrated that Tom Cruise can speak Japanese by this point in the movie.

They were probably just showing support for the Japanese cast.

kek. what a cope.

>they were j-just showing support!

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White man le savior saves everyone again out of nowhere

Honestly the period being portaryed carries the movie so fucking hard. Shame we'll never see a major hollywood production touch the beginning of Meiji again though.

Koyuki is a qt

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This film has the best love scene in cinema

>husband dies by huwite male
>immediately lusts after his murderer
bravo females


He didn't save anyone and the samurai died.

Incredible movie, Tom Cruise is a legend
>inb4 Seagal seething

I watched this two days ago because of the recommendations here. I watched it at release but couldn't remember much.

I'm a fan of Tom Cruise and his movies but this one fell kinda flat for me. Nothing really fantastic about the performances and plot. Seemed like a very standard story of the outcast being accepted into the tribe and fighting alongside his previous detractors. Motivations seem fairly wonky and the main plot with the weak emperor was fairly tired.
will women ever understand this scene?

It's a fully based and soulful film you fucking drone

They made absolutely no effort to get him back after he was captured, I'd tell them to get fucked too. Especially if my captors gave me gf

He despised Bagley, that was made obvious. And between the samurai and the imperial army he had no real loyalty to either side at the start

They created a Tom Cruise Day in Japan because of this movie