Forget about it cuh

forget about it cuh

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Ejection seat, sir?

Attached: 2F2F (3).webm (1920x1080, 2.82M)

Paul Walker literally killed racism in America. With his death it all went to shit again.

>racism comes back in 2012
>Paul Walker died in 2013
It's worse than that. They killed him off to let it happen.


Each film should've been about Paul Walker teaming up with a different non-white partner. Tokyo Drift should've been exactly the same film but with the Paul Walker character instead of a 30 year old high schooler.

what the fuck went wrong with the recent films bros?

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the soul went to heaven

Attached: 2F2F (1).webm (1920x1080, 2.69M)

Its Chinatown cuh.

Take me back

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God i love how he's still saying it while looking at him even though the guy is like 200 meters behind at that point. Pure kino


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they don't make em like they used to

beep beep best car coming through

except maybe for mona lisa

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my fave era

to all you young Any Forums anons i know its so so cliche but enjoy your life. stop being so emo and do things. nobody cares

I'll always be thankful to Paul Walker

He showed an entire generation of white guys how to appropriately interact with nonwhite people in 2000's America when we actually had to begin giving a shit about their opinions and desires

Whenever I have to meet a black or Latino person, I always just start acting like Paul Walker and everything's fine and I feel much more calm and confident about being a white male and for a brief minute when we bump fists, it's like slavery and colonization and smallpox never even happened and I can just enjoy a nice Corona with friends.

Pockets aint empty cuz

You can't say 2 fast 2 furious wasn't well shot,compare it to any blockbuster nowadays.It's like everyone is afraid of colors

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the colour in 2 fast 2 furious was honestly my favourite thing about the film, it looks so good

I love this pasta because it's actually great advice. Just chill out and don't be a pussy about being a white man and it's not weird making friends with people who look so different

They went from appealing to american teens to Latin manbabies