Is the Knives Out a libtard fantasy,filed with soybois?

or i am just overjudging this bullshit movie?

Attached: αρχείο λήψης.jpg (300x168, 9.2K)

That's a very polite way of phrasing your thought process

this is Any Forums, not /lit/.what's your poimt about manners?

>I have to judge everything I like based off my political spectrum

Kill yourself now because you’ll never truest enjoy anything in life you fucking mung

I don't know how much of a libtard fantasy it is with soibois, although I also really disliked it. The first 30 minutes were charming and fun, then the rest of the movie was just a boring "WHITE PEOPLE BAD" parable along with the director's favorite thing, SuBvErTiNg ExPeCtaTiOnS. As far as Soibois, Christopher Plummer was pretty based. I bet he was fucking his nurse Ana de Armas from time to time. Ransom's character was based. Lakeith wasn't a soiboi. Daniel Craig was just annoying trying to pull off a foghorn leghorn accent.

Pretty much everything Rian Johnson touches is extremely gay.

The Last Jedi may have been visually interesting, but it felt like the least Star-Warsy star wars movie in the entire series and did a lot of dumb bullshit that ruined people's enjoyment. A lot of people said that was "an achievement," to deliberately change and fuck up star wars and was 4D chess on Johnson's part. Fuck no. Just like the Matrix 4, you can only get so far with "I made it bad on purpose!" just like you can only get so far with "I was only PRETENDING to be retarded!"

Looper had a very cool idea behind it, but it was pretty shitty itself

Brick is just what happens when a sad little bullied outsider kid grows up and becomed a "director." Hey, I've got an idea, let's do a hard-boiled detective story but let's make it happen in high school but let's make everybody talk like it's 1920s Chicago, le epin ebic win!! It's the most reddit shit I've ever seen.

What's that? He directed the highest rated episode of Breaking Bad? Well, who fucking cares--he didn't WRITE it. D&D "directed" game of thrones and look how shitty that got when the source material disappeared.

SO anyway, you know what to expect from Rian Johnson from here on out. If you keep choosing to watch his movies, you'll likely keep being disappointed.

>coping of a director for it's past fails: the movie.

Wanna try that again in proper English?


The movie mocks rightsoys who argued The Last Jedi was propaganda aimed to destroy the life of white males.

Why are you watching it?

It's a murder mystery except the murderer is the main character
Not a spoiler, you find out in the first 10 minutes and the plot revolves around her desperatly trying to cover it up

>The first 30 minutes were charming and fun, then the rest of the movie was just a boring "WHITE PEOPLE BAD" parable
Nigger it's about a rich family who owns a mansion. Why are you expecting the family to be multicultural? Are you a mutt?

It's a boomer libtard fantasy of throwing away your inheritance and telling your progeny to fuck themselves and die. Fucking retard boomer didn't even get any pussy for all that money.

Every normal human hated last Jedi
Film critics and terminally online twitter pink haired overweight lesbians are the only people who enjoyed Rian’s Star Wars
They liked Knives Out simply because of spite

The progeny were a bunch of assholes

I hate this movie because of a huge and entirely unnecessary plothole.
>teehee i puke if I lie
>no I didnt drink anything before coming to see you
>later, scene of her drinking champagne or something

>still butthurt about The Last Jedi

I wasn't expecting it to be multicultural, nor did I want that. I prefer watching white people.

I just wanted it to be a good movie, and it failed at that.

Maybe the boomer shouldn't have raised asshole children. He's a piece of shit too. Only a cocksucking boomer would defend that.

Sometimes children just hate their parents

Kill yourself

Look at the director.

And sometimes parents just hate their children like that boomer.

No thanks, I'm not interested in doing that.

It's okay to be angry and jealous.

Not inherently. I think the concept of people in America who made their money one generation ago and act like they're entitled old-money aristocracy is a valid angle, but the movie covers the subject in a very obnoxious and humorless way that made me repeatedly cringe.

Nah, it's Rian Johnson. The only good thing he's ever done is Ozymandias in BB and that's because his usual subversion schtick worked once in a blue moon there.

Lefties will be the first to tell you everything anyone ever does is governed by their biases and they will do it loudly enough to remind you of it every time you ask them to maybe try and put it away or try to restrain themselves for the sake of a story. They absolutely do not believe it's possible and say as much to justify never even having to attempt it.

It's the creative equivalent of that nasty smelling hippy who tells everyone odors are natural and unavoidable so he's chosen to stop bathing. It is perfectly fine to judge them and their work by their own metrics accordingly.