Unironically who was in the wrong here?

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Adam Driver and his mega jew noise for putting up with that whore.

The director for making the movie, netflix for funding it, we for wasting our time watching

the wife
>stops having sex with husband for over a year
>gets angry when he cheats on her
>refuses to let go of their son's hand when its time for him to leave with his dad
>makes them move to LA even though his job is directing plays in new york
>deliberately visits every lawyer in LA so that he's barred from being represented by them and has to settle for some cheap old coot lawyer that pressures him into settling

yep, she's jewish alright

Women are never right

scarjo is so pretty.
why did she chop her beautiful tits off

husband, 100%, it's obvious

The w*man is always in the wrong.

It should be illegal for a woman under the age of 60 to get that haircut. Disgusting bitch I hate women so fucking much it’s unreal

I looked good in that haircut

everyone just told you it looked good because they didn't want to be responsible for making a tranny kill himself

They’re both wrong.

ScarJo’s character let her dreams and ambitions die by getting wrapped up in Driver’s character and his life, but as time goes on, it’s clear Driver’s character is incredibly self-absorbed and only cares about being a big shot NY play director. He’s thriving while ScarJo is stagnating in her life and isn’t finding any fulfillment, since marriage put her dreams on halt and it isn’t turning out to be the way she thought it would. Hence her lessening attraction to Driver and desire to move back to LA so she can have a chance to live the life she wanted. She’s the catalyst and instigator, sure, but Driver’s character had a part to play in never considering his wife’s feelings and her ambitions. At that point, why stay married when it’s clear you both resent each other for limiting your goals?

Its her fault for letting her dreams go and then being a cunt about it. Shes the kind of bitch who would just say “everything is fine” and then get mad when he isnt a mind reader. Also she will never find the happiness she was looking for in LA, shes just a grass is always greener cunt, like every woman.

Trannies don't wear short hair user

tomboys do and thank god they aren't retarded and gender dysphoric (mentally ill)

A haircut like that is a declaration that you are no longer a sexual entity and should be grounds for annulment

The director for turning every fucking film into a therapy session.

Disagree, guys weirdly like it on me. I have heard compliments like
>you look like dami moore from that movie ghost

told you guys it's a tranny

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a very anti-semitic portrayal of jewish behaviour