Cruisechads...It's over

Cruisechads...It's over...

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Can't bruise the Cruise

Poor imitation of the GOAT, MovieBob

I bet this "top critic" has given a good rating to every MCU movie.

>He's white so it's bad
Every time

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Can’t bruise the cruise

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Oh wow, one negative critic in a sea of people who loved the movie. kys, tranny.

So.. what exactly are his criticism for the movie again?

can't bruise the tom

I LITERALLY do not know what this guy is saying

Yes but what about the movie? Pedantic critic that doesn't say anything

can't bruise the Cruise

He didn't like Tom doing scary, real world, in-camera stunts during his flick.
Im guessing xer wouldve preferred Tom fellate RDJ or Mark Ruffalo (or both) on a green screen set while Thanos fucks him.

>leftists website scores something high
I knew this was gonna be pozzed
they even got Cruise
entertainment is dead

user pls, go back

He is the last movie star though...

entertainment has been dead since before your parents were born

Taiwan lost

>anti white
Every time


how is this considered a fresh critic?

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(((All Parentheses)))

Just bait