So America becomes a third world style shit hole full of incompetent brown people?

So America becomes a third world style shit hole full of incompetent brown people?

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Yes, and also like the Soviet Union, where everything gets worse and worse for decades until things suddenly collapse

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There's hope at the end they it swings back around to intelligence being valued, but we're headed towards a dark age, so take care of your loved ones and yourself.

already is. there are a few bulwarks of competence left but they're the exception.

>Most anti science people are white

it wasn't supposed to be a mockumentary

yeah, it's a good movie for that reason

guys i think secretary funbags is into me

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>anti science
>as if the current edifice of institutions that can't replicate shit is in any way worthy of trust
Go away, lemming.

Brown people are smarter than an avg American

It's implied that the whole world is.

Why do people think this movie is "predicting le future"?? All they needed to do was film for an hour in Brazil and pretend that the setting is America.

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oh, josé... you have a lot to catch up on Mr. Ndobo-Goldstein.

Go sit on a shotgun and pull the trigger with your big toe

>full of incompetent brown people
nah, the movie wasn't THAT ballsy to make a statement like that, they're still mostly white in the future

Idk man there's a lot of brown people in the movie. Don't know what the ratio of it was but felt like it was set in downtown LA.

Otherwise the movie was kinda charming in a dumb juvenile kind of way. Not something I'd watch again but it was light and airy


This. I'm white and I agree with this

no you aren't.
nope, america is dumb because of it's darkies

I've never found Maya Rudolph very attractive but hoo boy in this movie.

Cope mutt