What the fuck happened to this guy?

>extremely funny and soulful vids
>somewhere between pandemic and now he just makes these rambling reviews with slide-show clips sounding high or just getting out of bed
>doesn’t even sound enthusiastic on sardonicast and just regurgitates what Adam thinks

What the fuck happened???

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>extremely funny and soulful vids
You're fucking trippin, dawg.

I'd believe it, not to say he was some genius before but he actually sounds retarded in this video: youtube.com/watch?v=BsTkADyyoaI

I’m 100% serious, I fucking love the Chips vid, Sleepless, Mummy etc.

Idk dude. It's some sad shit.

Pleb with minimal talent thinks they can "Make It" in their career of choice, finds out the hard way that more talented people than they have failed
Many such cases

He needs to stick to reviewing shit like Love On a Leash and Seagal movies. He puts way more effort into videos about movies he hates.

user are you the same person making this thread? No one cares about this fag go to reddit if you want to bitch about reviewers

>watched his video about channel awesome
>"All they do is just recap the movie with shitty skits in between"
>watch any of his other videos
>all he does is recap the movie occasionally with shitty skits
Does he hate doug...or himself?

Doug is based because he loves what he's doing and ignores all the haters
Ralph seems like he's sick of his channel and deleted that Joker review after people criticized how shitty it was

Well I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, and I'm not trying to put you down or take that away from you, but to me, he's always seemed just another voice in the crowd. Film reviewers on yt are a dime a dozen, and there's a pretty low ceiling in terms of what level of entertainment value is even possible for the genre. He obviously wants to make true kino, but he's finding it's not quite as easy as reviewing things, and that'sprobably got him feeling depressed, or at the least, demotivated. I feel for him.

He started smoking weed and became apathetic and lazy
Should have just become an alcoholic

He was already declining but his Joker review and the backlash fucking buck broke him, and he hasn't been the same since.

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He was really charming and funny for young guy. Never watched his show w/ YMS but stopped watching his stuff when it declined. Said to hear he hasn't bounced back yet.


It's because he fell into the AVGN pit of wanting to make movies, starting a youtube channel using some of those aspirations, but then gaining a following and no longer wanting to do it, thus now putting in bare minimum to maintain views.

>Ralph goes up his own ass as a combination of graduating film school and being surrounded by filmies/being friends with Adam/moving to LA
>tries to do le ebin takedown of Joker
>except his video format is only great for bottom barrel shit nobody cares about like Bye Bye Man - it does not work for a decent movie. Adam ran into a similar problem when he applies his review style to A Quiet Place
>big backlash - more dislikes than likes, he eventually unlists it and then deletes, etc.
>probably isn't able to seriously break into the film industry and become a serious kinomancer director like he wanted to be
>combination of backlash and personal failures done broke him and any passion he had for his channel
>new videos are uninspired, boring shit and he rambles a lot
>a lot of other small embarrassments, like the now-deleted le serious "analysis" of Parasite that's 90% reading a wikipedia summary and 10% giving the more basic bitch surface level "insight" you can imagine
>constantly gets taken to task by an unrelenting Adam on Sardonicast and humiliated
>probably has a weed problem too - I have a friend who does which he says makes him apathetic to everything, and nu-Ralph is nothing if not apathetic.

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he was not a movie maker

Everyone says I look like him and I don't like it

You grew up

He was a pretentious fool. That indian guy jesus something really tore his asshole apart. Liked that guy, he got so much hate he stopped making videos

i watched his minion review again after like 3 years and it was shit. he was never good, you just developed more taste

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Deep in the post film school Dunning–Kruger slump

holy shit you really do look like ralph though

You don't even know me

yeah i do, you're the guy that looks like ralphthemoviemaker

He's like James Rolfe and RLM. Became jaded once he realized his YouTube channel would never lead to a legit filmmaking career

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die zoomer

clearly he's burned out but he still got patreon obligation