Nords vs meds is a dumb intoid mem-

>nords vs meds is a dumb intoid mem-

Attached: 1635636827612.png (1288x726, 1.15M)

Other urls found in this thread:

why is the spanish hoe talking to other men on her phone when her husband is right there

Why is it always the Dutch being so autistic about this? Calvinism?

I in the top right corner

I don't see no rain on that finger

The cloud drifting away into global irrelevance?

literally me (in the red shirt)

Oopsie woopsie

this is why we suffer and they don't

>Nordoid projects his cuckold fantasies into others

White shirt guy looks like Hitler and red shirt guy looks like Stalin.
>inb4 take meds

Take vision test

this would be fun if tomorrow, a Saturday, I didn't have to work

White shirt guy is literally Assad

Attached: 17116571_303.jpg (700x394, 25.02K)


Sometimes it manifests with people, too.
Imagine the gas negotiations...

Attached: Pedro Sánchez and Olaf Scholz.jpg (1181x1200, 141.1K)

His wife is cute

meds are moors

Allowing women to work destroyed nordcucks

And proud while you... Well...

Ska ja behöva steypa varenda lilla bruna skit i ditt familjeträd, babbhelvete?