Nowadays everything is coated in sarcasm, self depreciating irony and cynicism

>Nowadays everything is coated in sarcasm, self depreciating irony and cynicism.

is everything really though? the blm people don't seem sarcastic or self-deprecating to me? the people who think the election was stolen don't seem that way? the people who stand with ukraine don't seem that way? the people who think they will die if they catch a coronavirus don't seem that way? the people who think the world will end in 10 years due to climate change don't seem that way? if anything everyone is too god damn serious. the problem with writing about pop culture shit like dfw is that it's dated already and the dude's only been dead for like 15 years

i don't really consume pop culture but the little i have seen took itself pretty seriously: drill rap? it might seem over the top, but it takes itself seriously. i saw the new dune movie, it took itself pretty seriously. i don't watch tv but the last show i watched, that southern gothic thing with matthew mccaughney, true detective or whatever, took itself seriously with all kinds of melodramatic monologues in shit. idk dude.

Attached: TellaJoke.jpg (500x482, 67.86K)

>capeshit and real life aren't the same

wow user what a discovery!!

It's just part of all--consuming millennial mindsight that is the reason literally everything is terrible now

Millennials grew up being lectured by Gen X on counter culture and everything being bad so now they can't take anything seriously. After 9/11 there was sort of a reset where this went away for a bit but the Obama era definitely reversed things.

pro tip: when people write or talk about culture, they don't (if they're smart) mean the totality of it. they're observing certain prevalent phenomena and describing a narrative. it doesn't make it false, it's just not the entire picture.

>the blm people don't seem sarcastic or self-deprecating to me? the people who think the election was stolen don't seem that way? the people who stand with ukraine don't seem that way? the people who think they will die if they catch a coronavirus don't seem that way? the people who think the world will end in 10 years due to climate change don't seem that way?
Clicktivism doesn't count.
>drill rap
Do Americans even have this yet?

oh i did watch that joker movie, another melodramatic slog, but i guess since it had some jokes u'd consider it ironic or something

i've decided you might just be dumb

If anything, the problem is that culture is not ironic or cynical enough. There are so many things that are taken seriously at the highest levels that we should be pouring scorn on.

>mentions dfw in passing
>claims he’s dated
You didn’t actually read IJ or it’s probably one of 5 books you’ve finished if you can claim that life isn’t drenched in irony and people will say whatever it takes to justify their morally justified endorphin high.

Drill rap came out of Chicago I think

He had the right idea. In the right amounts it helps build character, but go overboard and it becomes tacky. Previous generation movies did this naturally without making a big show out of it. Think of ET which had scary sci-fi moments balanced out with wacky humor. Snyder's movies did this too to an extent, half of Flash's interactions are quippy. JL could have used more of that for the other characters, especially Cyborg who is a personality vacuum and drains any semblance of soul the movie could have had.

I don't remember joker making some epic quip just after he killed the TV presenter or his mom.

That is the ploy. Stop taking life's tragedies seriously, like your own death, start taking seriously the miniscule proportion of the black population killed by racist cops in a country of millions, literally spend all day thinking about it completely out of proportion of its actual impact, go out into the streets, loot and burn and pretend this is somehow comparable to actual protests against segregation and jim crow 60 years ago.

The ultimate distraction is one which not only makes you look, but stops you looking away.

Backwards ass fucking monkey npc. You’re supposed to worry about yourself, about what goes on in your life. News and media are as bad as drugs and alcohol to draw your attention away from what’s real, what matters: yourself. They’ll tell you that what really matters is the nigger drug dealer who overdosed under a cop’s knee or tell you the world is about to end. First they tell you you’re special then they tell you that you need to worry about the African children dying halfway across the world. Quit escaping. Start living.

I think it's also a kind of balance. Weirdly enough, the darker a story is, the more humour you can get away with since the grittiness balances it out. I guess because the worse things get, the more gallows humour becomes justified. Marvel's problem is that its stories just aren't as dark, grim and tough as Joss seems to think. It's not Snyder-tier gritty, it still has this air of being about whimsical superhero adventures and that means that too many of the quips seem forced and unnatural. If you go overboard with the snarky ironic humour without any weight to the story it just seems like you're allergic to reverence.

dude what is it with people from reddit and marvel movies lmao calm down if u think their too ironic or something don't fuckin' watch 'em. last marvel movie i watched was spiderman in like 1999 or something which was like peak dfw era, and there's was nothing ironic or cynical it was just standard hollywood blockbuster shit

>posts a marvel movie he hasn't even watched in the OP
>surprised people discuss marvel
You type like a retard and think like a bigger retard.

so when arnold schwarzenegger blows some dude away and says a one liner you think this is some signal or deep american ennui or something? hollywood movies have been doing that since i can remember. if bruce will says a one liner after he blows up a building or something, that's not some conspiracy to erode your sincerity, it's minor comedic relief after an action sequence


What happened to Joss? He just disappeared after Justice Leauge

serial rapist and sex pest on set, many such cases, very depressing.

Bullshit. Woman puts out for a role or for a chance and now she can just claim she was raped.