Only zoomers will remember that awkward era when they made a cartoon based on Napoleon Dynamite

Only zoomers will remember that awkward era when they made a cartoon based on Napoleon Dynamite.

It sucked, yet we watched it anyway.

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>this cartoon came out when I was starting grade 8
>I watched this show and the movie
>my best friend looked identical to Napoleon Dynamite
>he's balding now

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>this cartoon came out when I was starting grade 8
I graduated college 2 years before the movie came out

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This show sucked balls, but it had its moments.

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Dude, what the fuck? Why are you fucking here man? You're so old. Where's your wife? Go home to your family dude.

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There was a period for a while where Fox was trying to find a new show to fill out their animation block after King of The Hill ended and they tried a bunch of weird garbage. The other one I remember was Allen Gregory. Eventually they got Bobs Burgers for that slot but I remember there were a few others that were also extremely short lived. I think there was a Mike Judge one about a hippie family.

You'll still be here in 20 years, and someone will say the same thing to you

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Yeah, The Goode Family. It was basically King of the Hill, but shit. KotH was technically still on when it came out though.

Allan Gregory is just vile.

I'm glad Bob's Burgers won, I was a huge fan of that show back in the day. Apparently there's a movie coming out next week, I'd be too embarrassed to see it at the cinema.

Bob's Burgers is still running?

Running strong and getting a full theatrical movie.

REALLY? Imagine the smell.

this is a boomer board, brother. also you'll never leave

>this is a boomer board, brother.
I wish this was true, I swear there's a shit tonne of underragers here now, some of the celebrity drama and Any Forums threads have incredibly juvenile discussion in them if you can even call it that.
This is the best day I've had on Any Forums in years, haven't seen a trannyjak or chudjak anywhere.

>>this is a boomer board, brother.
>I wish this was true, I swear there's a shit tonne of underragers here now, some of the celebrity drama and Any Forums threads have incredibly juvenile discussion in them if you can even call it that.
>This is the best day I've had on Any Forums in years, haven't seen a trannyjak or chudjak anywhere.

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>that awkward era
it was only one month and nobody watched it.

I rarely use this board because of how bad it usually is. When I do post here, it's usually for nostalgia stuff, like this thread.

You are here forever, user

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I liked it, but it was too tame compared to the other Fox cartoons and didn't really fir in there. It wasn't really a kids show either. It would've made a good show for older kids.