Offers you a place a the table as part of the family

>Offers you a place a the table as part of the family
>Gives you a bottle of Corona
>Asks you say grace

What do?

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i have no close bonds with other people. my whole body would be lighting up with endorphins and oxytocin being considered part of an in-group

I don't know how to say grace so I start whispering "Our Father" in Romanian.

fuck his sister

>I drive.

also do a cross sign wih my right hand, for good measure


>*tips fedora*
Sorry, but ""God"" doesn't exist

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Alright broski pass the unseasoned white people food

Drink the corona in like 10 minutes and then my night becomes all about getting drunk

Turn 360 degrees and walk away.

Lord God thank you for yet another beautiful day to spend with my car buddies. Lord in Heaven we ask that you bless this bountiful harvest and that it may nourish our bodies so we can race cars fast and have fun with your heavenly protection. Amen.

It must be comfy to have such group of frens, barbecue together and just live life together. Like in that movie The Town with Affleck and Hawkeye. But I feel if you're a white adult male, you can only have that kind of group either being part of a gang or being part of a church. If that's not the case, best case scenario, you're with an unbearable cunt and spend your weekends with her going to the mall. Worst case scenario, you become a shut in.

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Breddy good user

>I don't pray with filthy pr*testants

our father who fart in heaven
hollywood be thy name

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monkeypox paws typed this...

Dear Heavenly Father please bring back Paul Walker. In Jesus Christ's name we pray, amen

big incel moment

God isn't real
*cracks open coffee stout*


>What do?
why I'd fuck his sister of course


they paid for this shit,right?
that beer is actually mexican piss

I am thankful for my time here, healthy and alive, and most of all... my familia. Salud

>user begins to foam at the mouth and screech autistically
>shits on the table while apologizing profusely and saying it's just because he feels so included for once

i-it's good with lime...

I don't say grace. I say Science.

Lord, we thank you for your blessings and giving us the opportunity to share them with a beloved family. As I sit here, I pray for your guidance, wisdom and safety, and promise never to box with you, because my arms are too short. We are humbled by your presence the way we are humbled by the R-Type series Honda accompanied by fruity neon lights, a giant wing, twin aftermarket exhausts, and a Cold Air Intake that is really a hot air intake because it rests right over the engine. Thanks big G. Amen.

staggeringly based and /o/-pilled